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[Discussion] Ship Sizes epic enough?

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13 years ago
Jul 6, 2012, 12:57:46 PM
Star Trek?

They don't make sense, things have to make scene.

However if you do want an explanation for them the best i can come up with is that they extend from technology's unlocked via Dust.

The Dust nanites are able to provide more accurate information to controllers on the carrier at a much greater rate then from normal computer systems, Dust enhanced cybernetics plugged into pilots allow them to pilot fighters at super human/alien speeds, preventing the problems of traditional reaction times to essentially disappear. Analysis of flawed dust byproducts (Usually just 'bad' dust) have lead researchers to improve smaller weapon systems with degenerating nanites that are able to assist all types of weapons by further braking down enemy ship hulls, however the limited effect of this bad dust can only be preformed on a small scale as larger weapons simply overpower the effect.

Finally, micro manufacturer faclitys aboard carriers are able to supply fighters with enough pre-fabricated munitions in nanite form to last the duration of most battles, making the seem as to have infinite ammo during combat.
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13 years ago
Jul 6, 2012, 12:58:42 PM
@ Mavcu

To answer that question - yes I am in favor of bigger and/or smaller ships smiley: smile
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