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[Discussion]Faction based victory endings brainstorming

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13 years ago
Jul 7, 2012, 5:59:50 PM
As I saw the intro animatics for the Pilgrim where there goal was looking for the planet "Tor" I was thinking on f this extra victory type.

Pilgrims:Find the Planet "Tor"

Cravers: Find the Planet"Perpeteum mobile" The planet that replenich it self every morning.

Do you guys got other ideas of faction goals?
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13 years ago
Jul 7, 2012, 6:01:09 PM
would be cool for a type of scenario type of game for each of the factions but in the main game i say no.
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13 years ago
Jul 8, 2012, 2:00:10 AM
Hm... can't imagine how to implement these goals without a scenario/story mode (like GC2). At last it's not that hard just to explore every system to find (and conquer) a specific planet. I agree with Igncom1 - no realizable for main game, in my opinion.
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13 years ago
Jul 8, 2012, 12:51:13 PM
I beg to differ. As some (maybee all) faction intro video talk about their goal, why not makes the wonder victory the faction goal victory. Then every wonder thats needs to be built reflect the path to the factions goal. And with that goal reached the start video can have a proper ending. A video showing the faction reach it goal. Thor for Pilgrims, Perpeteum mobile for cravers and so on.
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13 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 8:17:17 PM
Slightly changed the title. For the Fal'Hadei this would be the "Galactic monument field" victory, decided by influence coverage (that can be boosted via a special late game racial tech). Story: "The monuments tower over all planets. Now that there's no chance of failure, anymore, the unstoppable waves of resurrected Fal'Hadei will dominate the shape of the galaxy. Til eternity."
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13 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 10:19:29 PM
There is no reason why this couldn't be in the game and there is no real reason why it shouldn't either. Master of Mana/Fall from Heaven had a similar theme with their epic victory conditions. However, their epic victory conditions were multi-staged and rewarded you based on completion of each of those stages so even if you weren't trying to achieve the epic victory you could at least play semi-fluff like and be rewarded for it. Besides, this game lacks personality and needs all it can get to get rid of that sterile lifeless environment.

So, for Hissho they could have requirements like this in order to win an epic victory, the Hissho player would have to capture all of these:

"Warlord Birds" : Have a level 10 hero and gain an offense/defense bonus to all heroes.

"Fleet of Cawcawcaw": Have 7 destroyers , 6 cruisers, 3 battleships, and 1 dreadnought at maximum level. Those ships gain further bonuses to all stats.

"Endless Bird Poop (in space)": Win 10 consecutive battles with the total destroyed CP of X in each of those battles. Get a unique Dreadnought that has extra space (20% more than normal dreadnoughts and less CP cost).

"Caw-shido Code 1": Be the first to invade a system successfully.

"Caw-shido Code 2": Be the first with a hero that has both 16 offense and 16 defense.

- Completion of Caw-shido Code 1 and 2 gives you a legendary bird hero that doesn't count towards your academy limit.

You could probably tie this with affinity. More options = good.
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