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[Discussion] United Empire Affinity

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13 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 8:56:10 AM
Me and 2 friends usually play 8 man small disc map on impossible, we like things to get intense from turn 1, and last game i played United Empire. I focused real hard on reaserch that keep my people happy, i only got what i had to in the other trees. I had 4 military techs, up to the +40 sience building to the right and maybe 6 techs lower tree. On the left on the other hand i was moving towards the 4th happy building tech. Thats focus, more focus than you should have but as the game is so damn easy i was killing with basic missiles and lasers anyway so.

Even thou ALL my systems had 3 happy buildings i could not raise my taxes above 45%, doing so would lower all fids. So when exactly is my affinity supposed to be useful? How much harder i have to work to make it usefull? What mechanic am i missing that made this not broken and fixed during beta?

Compare this to the other affinity based on happiness, sophons, this one is a joke. Sophons affinity is so far ahead it´s not even funny. Don´t cap Empies affinity at 100% as it´s unreachable in reality, only way to make that work is with a hero but then all other systems will stop working so it´s NEVER worth it.

Am i wrong or do it need a rework?
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13 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 11:21:08 AM
Just building the happy-buildings probably is not the best way to go at it.

Find out what exactly causes the unhappyness. Terraforming and removing negative effects from planets helps a lot here.

Also I think 45% tax is pretty high. Maybe an increase in taxation caues way more unhappyness way more quickly than other stuff.
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13 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 11:44:28 AM
Ail wrote:
Just building the happy-buildings probably is not the best way to go at it.

Find out what exactly causes the unhappyness. Terraforming and removing negative effects from planets helps a lot here.

Also I think 45% tax is pretty high. Maybe an increase in taxation caues way more unhappyness way more quickly than other stuff.

You have a point. How i did it is not allways the best way to go at it. In this game i had 1 (!) negative effect in nine systems so reseraching that is... not worth the effort. But i agree that instead of going for that extremely hard to get 4th building i should have started terraforming.

But my point stands, wich you sort of agree with when you say i have a high tax rate in 45%, the affinity is bad in design. You just can't get much out of it as it's more or less impossible to reach that high in tax, atleast with our warprone setup.
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13 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 1:29:35 PM
A tax of 45% is fairly high. I've found that until the late game, a United Empire player should rarely have their tax set higher than 30-35%. They're my main faction, and hovering around that area on the tax slider I keep my people pretty happy while still picking up a bit of Industry from their affinity (it's higher at those notches than it is for the next few notches down). I make some good money without have my FIDS killed in the process.

Late game, after terraforming, having a few luxury resource monopolies, and building the happiness techs/having the techs that negate expansion and overpopulation negatives, the UE becomes an absolute powerhouse. I can have my taxes set to 70%, majority of systems on Ind--> Conversion because nothing is left to build that I want to build, and just rake in the money.
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13 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 1:41:48 PM
Yeah, the UE affinity is really a late-game thing. Until then, though, you get massive bonuses to Dust production, so it's not like UE don't get anything to recommend them.

The affinity really takes off when you're later in the game, colonisation unhappiness has more or less disappeared, and you can terraform your nasty planets into good ones. Then you'll have tons of happiness and can raise the taxes sky-high.
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13 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 6:24:31 PM
As UE I have not had to reduce the tax from 40% unless I'm hit with an event that gives a happiness malus.

I also don't Colonize planets that give me big hits to happiness until I have their counter or enough happiness system improvements.

Once you understand how happiness works its pretty hard to not keep your people happy unless your just not paying any attention to what your doing.

Taking advantage of the UE affinity to generate extra production also means you'll be making more money through taxes so it seems like a pretty good affinity to me.

If you have trouble with managing happiness then the UE may not be your faction, I would recommend the Pilgrims as the get a bonus to happiness.
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13 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 6:47:26 PM
That's a pretty high price to pay, not colonizing the likes of lava barren etc. In a 8 player multi game on a small disc map with impossible ai that is a luxury you don't have when you have an avarage of 4 systems to call your own.

I understand how it works. All im saying is that it's not on par with the better affinitys in a competetive game, you will get stomped long before you turn into a lategame powerhouse.
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13 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 7:15:12 PM
prezze wrote:
That's a pretty high price to pay, not colonizing the likes of lava barren etc. In a 8 player multi game on a small disc map with impossible ai that is a luxury you don't have when you have an avarage of 4 systems to call your own.

I understand how it works. All im saying is that it's not on par with the better affinitys in a competetive game, you will get stomped long before you turn into a lategame powerhouse.

Different races do slightly better on different sizes, shapes and number of players. The game you describe, being intense, small and short does not play to the United Empire strengths, on the other hand the Cravers or Hissho would be doing much better. Similarly on a Huge map United Empire and Pilgrims do quite well but Hissho would be slightly weaker due to initial expansion rate before meeting enemies.
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13 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 7:18:34 PM
prezze wrote:
That's a pretty high price to pay, not colonizing the likes of lava barren etc. In a 8 player multi game on a small disc map with impossible ai that is a luxury you don't have when you have an avarage of 4 systems to call your own.

I understand how it works. All im saying is that it's not on par with the better affinitys in a competetive game, you will get stomped long before you turn into a lategame powerhouse.

You can still colonize Lava and Barren worlds. I do, and I've yet to find myself suffering for it. I think ShadowDrake meant planets with bad negative anomalies...Unless the planet is a Tier 1 (Terran, Ocean, or Jungle), I won't colonize it if it has a negative anomaly. And even then, I might still avoid it if the anomaly is bad enough. At least until I can remove said anomaly, anyway.
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13 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 8:22:36 PM
Renamed the thread to become a discussion.
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13 years ago
Jul 11, 2012, 3:35:52 PM
Exactly, you don't colonize everything in sight just because you can, this will lead to many negatives in system and an expansion disapproval for little gain.

My strategy is to cherry pick the best systems for population, anomalies and resources and then to start picking off my neighbors best systems. There is little reason to spend resources on colonizing poor systems when there are better options available.
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13 years ago
Jul 11, 2012, 6:37:44 PM
Cherry picking is not an option on a small map with 8 players wich is what we play. But i'm ok with that, UE don't work with our setup and i'm fine with that. I just hope some more races will be available in a dlc so we get some more variation in our games as to many are crap with our setup.
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13 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 2:30:58 PM
To me, the real UE affinity is there +40% HP bonus to ships. That is a huge bonus, and it also applies to armor modules you buy. So if you buy a +50 armor module, it actually provides you +70 hp.

Its the one race I haven't been monohulling on, because larger ships with armor modules don't need any defense, they can survive a massive onslaught.
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