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[Discussion] Diplomacy, and attitude modifiers

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13 years ago
May 6, 2012, 9:28:07 PM
On many 4X games, one thing really, REALLY bugs me. And that is diplomacy, and how poor it is handled.

I am not talking about trading and stuff. These are easiest to solve anyway. I'm talking about positive and negative attitude effects, and changes.

-Expansion Modifier

On my last game with Hissho, I colonized everything I can for the first 50 turns, then started turtling - took a defensive position, and started to look after my planets while protecting my borders. There are 4 AI on that game; 2 are close to me, and thus we are at war, 2 are far from me, and thus we are at peace. The reason I am at war with close AI is, the "expansion" modifier. And likewise, it is the same reason that I'm very close to other AI located away from my borders. So, in this game, at turn 130, one of my close friends invaded a planet next to my border, belonging to one of my enemies, and captured it. The next turn, I get a -33 expansion modifier, which will increase in time causing further degradation between us later on. Now I ask you; why I get a negative modifier, since I am turtling inside my borders?

I know that system borders combine & expand, I cannot control this. But it is not me going next to their border and colonizing/capturing systems over there; which is when this negative expansion modifier should be there. And, any alliance and such goes to dump because of this expansion modifier. This needs to be looked at.

My suggestion is, add a treaty to stop influence area expanding towards the friendly systems, which will remove all of the negative expansion modifier. Touching sides of influence areas freeze in other words. OR, just add a treaty which won't affect influence area, but won't cause any negative expansion modifier aswell.

This new treaty should be allowed to be researched early. You may call it "Cultural Exchange", or whatever you want. In addition to a treaty, it could also unlock a building, where this "cultural exhange" happens (border planets), provides some bonus, like tourism; generating a bit of dust income.

-Army Power

Getting -80 because you are trying to play pacifist is too much. This should be lowered, and a race trait should further reduce this negative penalty. It can be called "Pacifists" for example. I know we are not playing SimGalaxy, but AI declaring war because you are tying to expand rapidly (and thus, your research is going to colonization technologies) and postponing shipbuilding to a later "stage" is punishing. Not to mention; when penalties from army power and expansion is combined, you won't be able to make peace for a long time.
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13 years ago
May 6, 2012, 11:32:37 PM
No, I completely agree. It is one of the diplomacy issues that have already been raised. There should be an ability to create a 'nomans land' or similar, where all parties agree are off-limits (see signature - diplomacy).

Idea : The scenario that you are describing could be somewhat overcome if, in an alliance, and it is captured on behalf of the alliance, that it goes so some sort of alliance lottery, or more fun yet, is 'jointly maintained'. The latter would be an exciting addition. Basically, AI controlled, resources from planet are split 50/50, no heroes are assignable to the planet. Maybe a 'wrest control' button? These are opportunities, not just challenges in my view.
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13 years ago
May 6, 2012, 11:45:38 PM
Aside from those attitude issues, in my opinion, tech trading has to go. A joint research proposal is more viable (like SotS did), and cannot be abused.
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13 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 11:31:04 AM
Regarding tech trading I would very much like to have two things there:

First: Science cooperation, a kind of treaty which adds 5% of your partner's science to your own and vice versa. (This could even expanded to the other FIDs.)

Second: If techs are being traded don't give the receiving end 100% of the research points required, rather 50-75%. This way research speed isn't simply doubled if two players cooperate but it's still a significant boost.
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13 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 4:06:21 PM
The penalty for not having a military is because the AI does not see you as a threat, and really its right.

If you have no military why shouldn't the AI invade? Why play nice when you can take.

Nations only respect strength, if you have no strength, then you have no respect.
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