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Please fix Multyplayer then focus on gameplay

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12 years ago
Oct 5, 2012, 9:04:28 PM
I don't know, depends on your standpoint, I'm more of a SP player so naturally I would prefer it if they did it the other way around and concentrated on SP first...
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12 years ago
Oct 17, 2012, 10:06:00 AM
Dropfish wrote:
4x in general are as much mp games as CS is a sp game! Same for ES, todays games just need to have a mp part because it makes them sell better, but every shifts towards mp is a step away from a good 4x tb game. Only one example: simultaneous turns. A bonus for mp but annoying in sp.

I dont agree , some of best experiences in Civilization series ,and ES i had when play with my friends...AI cannot never outsmart human..But it is irrelevant to claim that 4x games are SP games...This game have multiplayer ,and a lot pepole would like to play it without frequent disconnections , de-syncs and other problems..At least you Single player minded players can enjoy and "play" your games , and that is not case in MP..Bottom line is that MP needs to be fixed a.s.a.p ...

Then more people can enjoy MP ,and devs can balance single and upgrade visual experience and whatnot...
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12 years ago
Oct 23, 2012, 9:26:51 PM
Desyncronization issuess are a really big problem, when playing multi with my friends we have disconection trouble at least once every second hour, sometimes more!
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12 years ago
Oct 23, 2012, 3:13:51 PM
Waylander1982 wrote:

They've gone a ways to solve this with the latest update but there still needs to be more work done, obviously you don't want a situation whereby every game is the same rough scenario with slightly different actions at each major juncture. But the key is to have it so that, within reason, each player is given the opportunity to play and enjoy the game prior to being crushed by the guy who got lucky with a starting system and has spammed colony ships.

This is exactly why I stick to SP. Every MP tbs strategy game turns into fast, warmonger games, with a mad rush to colonize quick and win quick. Not how I play at all.
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12 years ago
Oct 18, 2012, 5:44:03 PM
vlabura wrote:
Capt. Picard: Are you saying that it worked? We collapsed the anomaly?

Q: Is that all this meant to you? Just another spatial anomaly, just another day at the office?

Capt. Picard: Did it work?

Q: Well, you're here, aren't you, you're talking to me, aren't you?

Capt. Picard: What about my crew?

Q: [scoffs] The anomaly, my ship, my crew, I suppose you're worried about your fish too. If it puts your mind at ease - you've saved humanity, once again.

This made me laugh hard, Q is such as smartass... smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Oct 18, 2012, 8:02:38 AM
ryousei wrote:
Theres just one huge problem, 4x games tend to be long and its hard for everyone to find time to play a long multiplayer game in the busy world that is today.

Sure they last long, so does the taste of victory! And while we "waste" so much time on it, we would prefer not to lose hours on recreating desynced matches, fiddling with unrelated settings (e.g. a friend suggested after the last desync match: "Wait, wait, let me try to kill explorer.exe process, maybe it somehow nibbles precious bandwidth :coolsmiley: smile or rubbing your lucky charm while chanting "Please, just one more turn!"...

But, my friends an I never gave up, we just kept on recreating and reloading! We were very excited when we saw new update last night - the result: desync after turn one! smiley: sarcastic

Capt. Picard: Are you saying that it worked? We collapsed the anomaly?

Q: Is that all this meant to you? Just another spatial anomaly, just another day at the office?

Capt. Picard: Did it work?

Q: Well, you're here, aren't you, you're talking to me, aren't you?

Capt. Picard: What about my crew?

Q: [scoffs] The anomaly, my ship, my crew, I suppose you're worried about your fish too. If it puts your mind at ease - you've saved humanity, once again.

I realize that for dev's this is just another day in the office, but if you collapse this anomaly, in our eyes, you will be the saviour of humanity smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Oct 18, 2012, 12:08:25 AM
Dropfish wrote:
4x in general are as much mp games as CS is a sp game! Same for ES, todays games just need to have a mp part because it makes them sell better, but every shifts towards mp is a step away from a good 4x tb game. Only one example: simultaneous turns. A bonus for mp but annoying in sp.

This is definately false. Actually 4x games would be much better multiplayer, because the AI is never be as good as humans in decision making or exploiting. Theres just one huge problem, 4x games tend to be long and its hard for everyone to find time to play a long multiplayer game in the busy world that is today. And having played paradox games and civilization online, thoes games are much more fun than SP when you can find a group of people to play on a weekly basis (to continue the game from the week before).
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12 years ago
Oct 17, 2012, 11:32:36 PM
Even though I haven't or may not ever play any MP, I agree fixing a broken piece as large as MP is a bigger priority for the game than adding more features to a working piece.
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12 years ago
Oct 17, 2012, 9:07:23 PM
morernil had a great point: at least people who like SP can play SP. People who like MP can't even play MP.
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12 years ago
Oct 17, 2012, 10:16:15 AM
ryousei wrote:
I think I'll add my 2 cents to this post.

So I think they should focus on improving:

-multiplayer (region locked servers!!!!!, sync, disconnect, )

-Balance issues that for both SP and MP as well as MP specific ones

-AI choices for single player and for leavers in MP (they should try to ask for community coding or community submissions here imo, it would seriously save their time.)

-More things to reduce micromanagement or otherwise increase turn speed in MP (Smart Queues, more shortcuts).

MP above all. Eventually, when you become bored beating AI, you just what to kick some neighbor's shiny metal... smiley: redface behind

I think that giving the players a valid MP will buy you some time to better focus on all other goodies!! smiley: cool
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12 years ago
Oct 17, 2012, 9:51:08 AM
Dropfish wrote:
Only one example: simultaneous turns. A bonus for mp but annoying in sp.

Personally I'd rather see the MP part without simultaneous turns. Go figure...
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12 years ago
Oct 17, 2012, 9:35:31 AM
4x in general are as much mp games as CS is a sp game! Same for ES, todays games just need to have a mp part because it makes them sell better, but every shifts towards mp is a step away from a good 4x tb game. Only one example: simultaneous turns. A bonus for mp but annoying in sp.
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12 years ago
Oct 17, 2012, 1:10:40 AM
Stalker0 wrote:
A while back someone did a poll asking what percentage of people played SP vs MP.

Only 25% mentioned they played MP, the vast majority was strictly SP.

If that still holds I think you have to focus on the core issues that affect SP, and of course those will help MP some as well.

What fenrak said about this is very true. MP adds alot more replayability.

But again I want to stress again the reason for what I said earlier. The focus of the devs should not be on what proportion of players currently playing this game are using, but rather where this game is BETTER than its competitors. This is like any business. The reason only 25% of players play MP is because 95% of the 4x market only plays SP to begin with. This game has shown huge "POTENTIAL" for making MP the staple, but as Fenrakk said, there needs to be fixes before this can happen.
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12 years ago
Oct 16, 2012, 11:33:54 PM
Who in that poll is more likely to be playing the game still six months from now?

In theory, it would be MP players, but right now that seems less likely, since multiplayer is broken beyond belief.

And keep in mind, many people might be staying away from Multiplayer because it seems like the only thing MP players have to say about MP is that it's buggy as hell.
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12 years ago
Oct 16, 2012, 11:26:23 PM
A while back someone did a poll asking what percentage of people played SP vs MP.

Only 25% mentioned they played MP, the vast majority was strictly SP.

If that still holds I think you have to focus on the core issues that affect SP, and of course those will help MP some as well.
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12 years ago
Oct 16, 2012, 5:39:17 AM
ryousei wrote:
Well it was a proposal in a sense, not for a feature but for development priority... if that doesn't count, then forgive me =).

Don't worry. The proposals section is more or less designed for making proposals concerning the game design, while the discussion should also allow for policy-suggestions. Therefore I moved it here, where I think that it fits better and might achieve more dev-attention.
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12 years ago
Oct 16, 2012, 12:25:03 AM
Well it was a proposal in a sense, not for a feature but for development priority... if that doesn't count, then forgive me =).
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12 years ago
Oct 15, 2012, 5:09:06 PM
This is not really a proposal, but more of a discussion, so let's move it to the discussion section and make it one.
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