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Expansion pack

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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 1:51:29 PM
What I want to add, the other guys said what I wanted:

Minor Races: Similar to Galactic Civilization. You can conquer them, or make them your Vassal.

Freedom of Customization: I want to create our own factions truly, without having to have a "United Empire Affinity". I want true to freedom, not so your custom faction is more like the Horatio.

Space UN: Perfect for Diplomacy

Ships: Show trade ships and civilian ships go in and out of system just for pure view.

Bugfixes: It already points out what needs to be fixed.

Ground Battle: Kinda like in GalCiv 2 and you can pick your choice of how you want to invade. Cause seismic Earthquakes, Gas Warfare etc. Also visuals of it.

Well that's it. ES is might second favorite 4X Sci-Fi Strategy Game!
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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 2:00:04 PM
Shivetya wrote:
Still, what is not on the list.



Less micromanagement.

I see the former in the list and the latter is at least mentioned in one part:

SpaceTroll wrote:

- Espionage and sabotage (also resulting in sabotage during the fleet battles). be able to trick the enemy with fake informations.

- Construction queue sorting options ( I guess this was meant more towards sorting possible constructions on the systems..)
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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 2:29:43 PM
that list is coming from the wishes that were expressed during our Friday event, which does not mean that we have to only cherry pick from that list. Hence that thread so you can either insist on the features you like or add the ones that were not mentioned. we'll add forums votings too, to get a more quantitative feel of what you guys like.
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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 2:34:15 PM
Of course feel free to search though all of my suggestions on the forum. smiley: sarcastic
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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 2:49:42 PM
-more strategic depth on building ships, instead of massing weapons - ES is crying for an energy system, which is an addition to the tonnage-model smiley: biggrin!

-in fight being able to target certain abilities/areas of a ship, like killing the engines, which hinders a ship to fly into "melee" combat & must stand outside of it - which can be countered by a card, but also by the kind of how i built the ship (perhaps i am building 2 engines into them, to be prepared smiley: biggrin?!)

-perhaps the position within battle can be altered by ships & abilities (like flying faster & only having shields in the back smiley: wink?)

-make "small" ships also useful! It makes no sense, that "bigger" is always better - why can't small ships be very effective vs bigger ones, because they can more easily dodge the attacks (death star VS x-wing => x-wing wins :P!). Create Techs, which force people to think about the composition of their army. More diversity within an army is always more awesome =)!

-unique abilities/weapons/abilities which are tight with a specific race - so that there is really a _huge_ difference between all races - like if i go for cravers, i am getting the most powerful invasion modules in the game & ontop i am also getting all the invasion tech pretty early - at the moment the percentage of "uniqueness" is pretty low & by changing traits any race can be anything - it is more or less only visual difference
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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 2:54:23 PM
A little more content to keep me coming back before the expansion would be rather nice! The diplomacy improvements for example!

-A faction affinity that promotes isolationism and/or xenophobia! Like military posturing - gaining optimism based on how many friendly fleet points are blockading your system, and having

negative optimism if you have none? This would promote a faction that has slow expansion due to a higher malus penalty, but more productive planets because of the higher optimism later! A lore emphasis on training individuals incredibly well to protect the state could result in soldiering and espionage bonuses for the default faction's traits.

-Espionage for sure! Indeph as possible! Learning what techs the enemy has, stealing techs, framing others for it, sabotaging ships, structures in systems, and causing riots--Baley's, watercolors! All things good!

-And boarding parties has me excited--Bulrathi soldiering advantages make invading and ship battles so interesting because of this! I suggest scuttling for credits and research points as an option upon capture! Parts of the tech tree need to be dedicated to adding modules that increase the effectiveness of either. The tech route for it needs to be balanced somehow, perhaps being an expensive endeavor so that weapons are still practical. Automated Security Systems or Antipersonnel Turrets and what have you could be the "defense/armor" against boarding parties in the tree. Your system's resistance to invasion should be tied to soldier upgrades and soldier strength as well!

-Invasion battles. There are many suggestions for this, but I favor the idea the card-based phase battles similar to ship battles!

-Small animations for certain events, not strictly necessary but it makes the game feel that much more alive!

The list looks really good <3
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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 3:02:11 PM
Rudest wrote:
A little more content to keep me coming back before the expansion would be rather nice!

-A faction affinity that promotes isolationism and/or xenophobia! Like military posturing - gaining optimism based on how many friendly fleet points are blockading your system, and having

negative optimism if you have none? An emphasis on training individuals incredibly well could result in soldiering and espionage bonuses!

-Espionage for sure!

-And boarding parties has me excited--Bulrathi (MoO2) soldiering advantages make invading and ship battles so interesting because of this! I suggest scuttling for credits and research points as an option upon capture!

The list looks really good <3

This really ruined GalCiv2 for me, it was almost never the technology or the numbers, it was the Soldiering that made killing some races impossible as it was hard enough to acquire late game.
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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 3:14:52 PM
SpaceTroll wrote:
We know that we have definitely one focus for that Pack: Battles!

Something I think is extremely important to the viability of the combat system is to make each ship count more.

I've noticed that most battles end during or before the medium range phase with the complete annihilation of one side; battles only reach close range very rarely, and they pretty much never end without one side being completely wiped out. Increasing the lifespan of ships (e.g. by reducing the attack power of all weapons) will ensure that more phases come into play during the battle sequences and draws will be more frequent. This will lead to more strategic choices as surviving ships can be swapped in and out of the front lines to heal between battles. Of course, because ships will be more difficult to kill, their production cost and upkeep cost should be increased.
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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 3:17:08 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
I see the former in the list and the latter is at least mentioned in one part:

I clarified I wanted espionage in diplomacy, they mention it at the same time as space battles which I could care less about. I resolve the majority of my fights now with auto as after a certain point the AI doesn't win.
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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 3:21:10 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
This really ruined GalCiv2 for me, it was almost never the technology or the numbers, it was the Soldiering that made killing some races impossible as it was hard enough to acquire late game.

Getting +50 in Galciv 2 was a big a deal, and pretty easy to do granted!

Perhaps the advantage for a custom faction trait could be relatively small, so that defensive tech against it remains efficient?

Edited the post btw! Put in more fleshed out ideas!
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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 3:23:09 PM
SpaceTroll wrote:

We know that we have definitely one focus for that Pack: Battles!

We want to add more strategic choices, more feedback, fighters / Bombers / interceptors, more weapons, defenses, modules, formations, aiming strategies, boarding parties etc...

There were a few other wishes that were mentioned during the event by the community members present. Here is a quick list of them, I hope I did not forget too many of them:

- New faction and traits (focusing on new battle techniques?)

- Finding artifacts on moons or planets could be equipped on ships or heroes

- More different weapons types, more hybrids and new types.

- Visual impact of weapons on ships (I doubt we can go there...)

- Space stations to defend systems

- Options to make planets more unique by building special unique buildings. special building appear on planets / system.

- Ground Battles to accelerate the sieging if the invasion is successful. It would then be visual, on the planet ground.

- Huge Ships

- Planet defenses that damages sieging fleets

- Razing planets / Systems

- Destroying entire star systems (will disappear after being destroyed)

- Espionage and sabotage (also resulting in sabotage during the fleet battles). be able to trick the enemy with fake informations.

- Heroes exploring artifacts unlock technologies on the tech tree

- Construction queue sorting options ( I guess this was meant more towards sorting possible constructions on the systems..)

- Boarding ships can capture enemy ships and keep them to use them for privateering under a fake flag (the flag of the original owner).

New factions and traits are always welcome, provided the factions have a personality.

Could care less about artifacts. Sounds like more ways to take the strategy out of MP which is bad

More weapon types and effects is great

Well how would you have more weapons without seeing their effect on ships?

One system is much the same to me, its a 4x, not Civ.

Ground battles are okay, provided I can auto resolve with predetermined cards

Yawn, the ships are already boring, now you want bigger ones? So what, I will have fleets of ubernaughts only?

Provided that planets cannot become impervious

Really do not care for the idea of destroying a star system.

Espionage only in the scope of diplomacy, don't want it near my space battle

How about a tech tree where techs are randomly not available and your only options are trade, espionage, and conquest? Heroes are already OP

You mean something you should fix now but you want to charge for????

Boarding parties only to gain access (chance) of new technologies, the idea of privateering them is silly.
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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 3:29:25 PM
Shivetya wrote:
Boarding parties only to gain access (chance) of new technologies, the idea of privateering them is silly.

Maybe not a complete tech, but a few research points through reverse engineering and/or study of the captured ships tech---something of that nature I could see as feasible! Since research is done on a per-point basis it would work out a little better in this game!
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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 3:34:26 PM
- New faction and traits (focusing on new battle techniques?)

Not really necessary, more balancing would be nicer

- Finding artifacts on moons or planets could be equipped on ships or heroes

I'd rather make better use of the strategic resources- why not just have these added as random events.

- More different weapons types, more hybrids and new types.

Agreed but I'd like to see this done as more specialized weapons like, huge railguns that require specific hulls, huge laser beam ships ala homeworld, missile boat hulls, super fast ships that close fast.

- Visual impact of weapons on ships (I doubt we can go there...)

Does this mean ships look different? this would be cool. Or does this mean damage effects.

- Space stations to defend systems

Not bothered - surely this is just defense structures.

- Options to make planets more unique by building special unique buildings. special building appear on planets / system.

Yeah, more specialization in systems would be good.

- Ground Battles to accelerate the sieging if the invasion is successful. It would then be visual, on the planet ground.

Not bothered the invasion stuff is so abstract anyway!

- Huge Ships

Not bothered, make the existing sizes more useful, add benefits to being close range for smaller ships and a tactic card or hero ability to allow fleets to close range and skip the long range phase. Or something smiley: smile

- Planet defenses that damages sieging fleets

Not bothered

- Razing planets / Systems

Should be option to raze after invasion I agree - one time only option.

- Destroying entire star systems (will disappear after being destroyed)

Sure why not, but wouldn't add much imo- would have to be so expensive dominance would be a given anyways

- Espionage and sabotage (also resulting in sabotage during the fleet battles). be able to trick the enemy with fake informations.

Could be cool

- Heroes exploring artifacts unlock technologies on the tech tree

Not bothered.

- Construction queue sorting options ( I guess this was meant more towards sorting possible constructions on the systems..)

Needed, also need to queue improvements without waiting for colonization.

- Boarding ships can capture enemy ships and keep them to use them for privateering under a fake flag (the flag of the original owner).

Not bothered.

My own suggestions - more tactical options and more exciting combat. And beam lasers.
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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 3:50:52 PM
Those ideas sound amazing for an expansion. I would totally pick up an expansion for ES hands down. You guys made an awesome and addicting game smiley: smile

Hopefully by the time this makes it out I'll have made nicer changes to my custom faction.

Great job so far Amplitude smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 4:02:36 PM
StrategyPrime wrote:
You might consider the principle of so-called "realm divide", introduced to Total War Shogun 2 by Creative Assembly. The point is, once the player becomes overwhelmingly powerful, the rest of the galaxy will unite to fight against him/her, regardless of their former diplomatic relationships.

I really hate that , it serves no purpose but to stretch the game, and kills all immersion in the game, why would your friends stop you from becoming Shogun, they just do it to stop you from winning "the game", maybe on higher difficulties when metageming and winning the game is most important it would be OK, but when you try to role play your race, event like that really kills the mood.
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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 4:36:17 PM
This is all great, but you've forgotten something: Gas giants should be made more usefull by the addition of more moons to them, which would have more bonuses than just a couple of improvements and an ocasional temple.
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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 4:49:19 PM
Espionage system, that will also, in the spirit of expansion, improve battle experience.

There is nothing more frustrating then going into battle with only having enemy fleet strength as know faction. And even when battle screen appears, you only have general info of military strength of ships defenses and weapons.

Same with invasion, when before invasion you have no idea of enemy planet defense strength.

There are also many non-battle related facts that are hidden to player. Exempt which planets are colonized by enemy in some system, any other information is non-existent.

In light of this, espionage system would help.

My personal opinion is that best way to implement this would be do add another position for heroes, exempt admiral and governor, position of spy.

Spy would then be able to be assigned to enemy empire when he would then provide some info based on experience and perks he has. Adventurer class should probably benefit most here.
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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 5:00:41 PM
nats wrote:

I am happy to hear about future development of the game of course, but it just feels a bit like "well we have all the money now we are going to get from the release, what can we charge them for next?" It's a bit soon.

Lets please hear more of your immediate plans for adding some larger FREE content to the game first please. I don't expect you to alter the whole game of course - but you have already promised things like carriers, fighters, espionage, better diplomacy etc etc. I certainly didnt think I would have to pay for all of these things though. I would be very upset if I had to pay for all the stuff we have been asking for other than the piddling little items we vote for on the G2G page.

But I have made my point, I will shut up now ... and let all the overly enthusiastic gamers with lots of money burning holes in their pockets talk on this topic from now on smiley: wink.

Agreed. You are absolutely correct in your assessment.
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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 5:06:24 PM
general_bulgarvski wrote:
This is all great, but you've forgotten something: Gas giants should be made more usefull by the addition of more moons to them, which would have more bonuses than just a couple of improvements and an ocasional temple.

I like the idea of having multiple moons. Look at Jupiter: it's got dozens of moons!
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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 5:08:34 PM
I'd be happy with:

- Improved Battle-Animations

- Improved Diplomacy/Trade

- and more Moons/Upgraded use of them
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