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New Exploration Events

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12 years ago
Dec 30, 2012, 10:07:24 PM
In game I've seen event, that give 3 positive anomalies for 3 planet in your empire (without anomaly, of course). I thought for a moment and suggest the idea of new global event:

"Your scouting team found a very strange wreckage, even wreckage of the Endless. When your people have tried to explore that, system was activated and completely disappeared with the entire group. But after that fleets from different parts of the galaxy began to report on new wormholes that reduce travel time between earlier unconnected stars."


  • You lose that fleet.
  • New wormholes were created between nearly constellations.

As for me, this event could be both random and exploration.
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12 years ago
Jan 3, 2013, 2:15:45 PM
Scanning the system you find a moon with a very large endless facility in it, so large it can be seen from outer space. Upon closer inspection you realize that the moon was set up with huge engines and mobilized.

What do you do?

1) Strip the technology from the planetoid and learn what you can. (+ X smiley: science for Y turns)

2) Carefully study it to understand its engine technology (+ 10000 smiley: science points towards spacefaring techs only, one-time)

3) It seems the navigation controls already point to a predetermined destination. Why not activate it and see where it goes?

3a) Next turn: The celestial body flies in collision course towards another planet in a system in possession of the player. A random non-gas, non-asteroid planet of the player (colonized or not) is targeted. It increases in size by +2 if tiny or small, +1 in other cases. It gets one strategic resource which the player still do not possess, or possess in the least amount, in rich quantity. If the planet is arctic, tundra, or ocean, it becomes terran. Terran and barren becomes arid, arid becomes desert, desert becomes lava. Planet gets one completely random anomaly, replacing the current one if it already has one.
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12 years ago
Jan 8, 2013, 11:07:50 AM
Sparks wrote:
I wonder if two mechanics can be chained together.

For example:

Say you enter the system and there's a neutral fleet sitting in orbit. Medium strength, perhaps even scaling in power determined by the turn number. As long as the system is uncolonized, the fleet is docile. It doesn't block movement or do anything, it just sits there. Once someone brings in a colony ship and claim it, they become hostile and start attacking anything and everything.

I think one thing that is missing from the exploration is a bit of danger. Aside from stumbling upon an enemy faction, the space in Endless Space is fairly empty. I think it would be interesting to have to bring along more than just a scout ship, maybe even an escort fleet. Or even outfitting a scout with some weapons just to give them a fighting chance.

I like that exploration in this game is wondrous right now, a whole lot of cool things to uncover and see. But if we look back on history, exploration hasn't been so ponderous or methodical. It's been bloodthirsty and fraught with a million ways to die horribly.

The way pirates operate in the game so far actually prohibits exploration, because you have to keep ships back on your home systems to keep them in overwatch. But they shouldn't really be spawning in your back yard, they should be lying in wait, setting traps and claiming systems for themselves from the get go.

Make them super weak if you have to, but delaying the land grab by even a dozen turns in this way would allow more of the game mechanics to breathe. Tech research would be less of a routine, it would require some hard choices early on.

I dunno. I just think that a lot of the early game as it stands is very repetitive from game to game. You grab a hero, a couple of systems, get the same five starting techs. It feels like a game of chess except there's only one opening salvo. There should be a more gradual, methodical progression into the mid-game.


Totally agree, the starting turns of the game is the same every time and its all about who can explore the most planets the fastest.

It would be fun if you are not only limited by maybe a wormhole, but something or someone els. Maybe a pirate base, that will give you 3 options

I mean the game later on turns out to be a trench warfare, the ships are only useful for some turns, or in attacking a race thats not so weapon techy. So finding some kind of upgrade mechanical base on a astroid that can't be colonized. making it a strategic point in the game and not the first 10 or 20 rounds but for the whole game. *realized i just missed the upgrade function but i still think it would be a good part of the battle*

Make the exploration count for the hole game. Or a planet that have no other FIDS than food. Its a natural harvest planet, also being unable to colonize, but having ships there gives + in food to all your other planets in the system. Also making it worth fighting for. Planets like these will be placed between players (or maybe random?) And while being unable to colonize it (because the crop grows so fast that its not posible to put a base there or something like that) making it very easy to change owner.

Its a grate game but if the exploration events would be something that not only gives you 10 gold for no reason but something more, It could add some depth to the game!
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12 years ago
Jan 10, 2013, 3:47:06 AM
To add to the "space lacks danger" aspect-

What about monsters? Pirates are fine and all, but they're a little bland. Some giant space bug that starts terrorizing an area would be interesting.
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12 years ago
Jan 10, 2013, 10:30:05 AM
Well even though I understand that desire for a big monster (Play Call of Cthulhu! There you have your space-monsters), I truly think that this would ruin the game. The whole idea of a big space-monster is extremly fantasy-like and fails most logical concepts. Even though, science fiction is kind of fantasy, it (and Endless Space as a game) bases very much on possible, scientific technologie and theories. A giant Space-Bug would just make the game very ridiculous and ruin the concept of the game.

If there should be a monster, it should be something very logical (perhaps more Alien races or Parasites) or something else like the return of the Endless or another species invading the Galaxy. We don't need another space-slug like in Star Wars. A Deathstar would be more logical...^^
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 3:15:31 PM
1. Discovery of a stranded hero (possibly higher level with free recruitment cost)

2. Discover your fleet from an alternate universe (have to fight an exact copy of your fleet, including hero if present)

3. Endless Digital Training Facility (ships in discovering fleet gain some exp)

4. Endless Relic Vault (Reduces science for some time, but at the end of that time grants a high level tech)
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 11:43:48 AM
Meedoc wrote:
Hey dear fellows!

Is there some kind of exploration event you want to be added in the game?

I do have a suggestion, but I'm bickering with my self about whether in should be an exploration award or natural wonder, but it could be changed to fit either role. But I really feel the game needs more wonders. If your still interested, click here

[EDIT]:I made up my mind now and it should be a wonder.
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 11:45:36 AM
A Fleet of "Guardians" pops up over a system

- Engaging them would obviously cause an engagement (and not the happy kind) - They would be a difficult fight if discovered early (perhaps a 30 turn limit until the exploration event pops up)

- Leaving them be would not allow you to colonize system but it postpones engagement

- Can propose alliance with them (Gives you their fleet but costs quite a bit, they aren't as powerful if under player control)

System is collapsing (This event pops up immediately after a system is colonized

- Try to hold it together - requires some turns dedicated to holding the system together - postpones destruction (random chance it fails)

- Regulate collapsing star - This would be ideally picked after "trying to hold it together" is picked - heavy initial industrial cost to keep star from collapsing (no changes what so ever to system (exploitations, etc) while this is being "built" in system queue as all efforts are going to regulating energy in the star (Random chance it provides a useful artifact on system)

- Leave the system (lets the system collapse over a number of turns which results in cosmic strings being broken, changing map)
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 11:47:23 AM
Some ideas for new exploration events:

- finding a hero (possibly with some experience or lower hiring cost)

- finding advanced materials which enhance production on a system

- finding an Endless Terraformer, which can change one planet of your choice into some other planet-type

- perverted nano-machines which damage a ship entering the system

- benevolent nano-machines which increase the HP of a ship

- a type of rare-resource (either "artifact" or "plant"-type) which is added to a random planet

And we need more Wonders - they are a fantastic addition to the game and give you even more incentive to find for a system.
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 11:55:46 AM
Some fuel, to give the fleet more movement points.

More negative events. I feel weird with the "bad" events because such randomness is not fun and even less fair (especially in multi).

Quick exemple : Since the patch, I only saw 2/3 pirates, and they were only some free XP for my Hero. Meanwhile, my brother and some friends had their games ruined by those events :/

So, imo, you should either remove bad events, or add some. This way (with more bad events) it will be 50/50 and a chance to disadvantage everyone (like current research advancement erase, or happiness weaken for some turns in near systems)
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 11:59:59 AM
Finding a neutral base / Pirate base.

has guards, has set improvements and people but has to be invaded and have the guardians destroyed first before you can take it.
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 12:03:29 PM
Dyson sphere!

let the player spend the rest of the game puzzling how to open/use it :P

tourism bonus!
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 12:12:06 PM
Discovering new AI empires to mix the game up(Add another empire to the game).
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 12:15:34 PM
- Intelligent Inhabitants

You discover intelligent inhabitants on one planet of the system which next step would be exploring space. They are happy with the tech you bring to them and decide to join your empire (System colonized with 1 population on a tier 1 or 2 planet)
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 1:51:09 PM
Kcyrion wrote:
- Intelligent Inhabitants

You discover intelligent inhabitants on one planet of the system which next step would be exploring space. They are happy with the tech you bring to them and decide to join your empire (System colonized with 1 population on a tier 1 or 2 planet)

+1, like that idea
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 2:00:28 PM
A couple of classic space-horror-trope based events:

- Insanity Derelict,

(event happens to the player with the highest militairy strength)

Upon discovery of an unknown derelict spaceship, the final transmission of the exploring ship is an garbled mess of screams and terror, after which the ship is lost. The first following ship to visit the system (either your own or another player) will discover the ship abandoned and makes mention of the remnants of a scuttled ship of unknown origin. The lost spaceship is added to the fleet. Due to balance issues, this should probably only happen to a single spaceship and not a fleet consisting of several ships.

- Xenomorphic infestation

An outbreak of an alien shapeshifting predatory lifeform and the subsequent decimation of the ships crew results in the survival of a single crewmember and the ships health reduced to 10%, forcing it to limp back to the nearest friendly system for repairs. If the ship survives: the resulting bioweapons-research by morally questionable corporations causes a +10 smiley: science for every public-private partnership built in your empire.
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 2:20:46 PM
I really like that second one, Xenomorphic infestation. It's like an ongoing thing and a bit of a mini-story for the game. I'd like more along those lines, to be honest. Something that isn't just a bit of flavor text and an immediate reward/punishment, but a developing sequence of events.

For example: scans of the system's star reveal that in thirty turns it will change phase, expanding from a main sequence star to a red giant. With an expanded radius, the habitable zone will move further out. Therefore arctic and tundra planets melt to become terran/jungle. And existing terran and jungle planets boil away and become arid and desert. Maybe some planets are consumed by the star and destroyed, removed from the system entirely.

Or perhaps you see that a large asteroid is headed for one of the planets in a system. If you have already researched X technologies, you can deflect it. Otherwise the planet it collides with becomes barren, and gains a moon from the accreting debris.

Things like that seed you exploration. That's what I want from exploration rewards. A chance to subtly direct the flow of the game world. I don't think they should all be tangible, material rewards - like dust caches or free technologies. I think some should be choices that affect how the map develops outside of the pure mechanics of colonization. You know if I scout out a distant system that I'm never going to realistically colonize, it would be incredibly fun (and strategic) to be able to have some influence over what that system does for the person that does claim it.
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 10:21:59 AM
Hey dear fellows!

I'm going to work on the new exploration events you have unlocked during the Free Weekend. You discovered those in "Echoes of the Endless", but with the rewards you have unlocked, that's 5 new exploration events promised to you guys! Before I really start, I was wondering if I could ask you a little something:

Is there some kind of exploration event you want to be added in the game?

This is not a competition or anything, but if you have any suggestions it's now or never, as I will be considering them! A real competition is going on however for the random events and new heroes choices.

Thanks for your oncoming awesomeness!
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 3:45:09 PM
Hi smiley: smile

I think thome Guards for the System, like Moo2. You have to kill them before colonize the system. The system should have some unique exp. or Planets.
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 3:54:42 PM
* Running into some sort of space-time-weirdness that teleports the fleet to a random, distant part of the map-- One time only.

* Finding an ancient stalled colony ship, with all members still in cryosleep. You are able to repair it.

* Fining a ancient small scanning station. It is able to temporarily extend your vision/scanning range by a factor of 3 or 4.
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