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A critique after playing a few games.

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12 years ago
Dec 30, 2012, 5:43:37 PM
cerberusti wrote:

Combat (0/5):

The graphics are beautiful and amazing, the implementation is rather bad (sorry, there is no other concise way of saying that.) The rock / paper / scissors model is not fun, leaves very little room for real tactics or strategy, and involves way too much waiting time for such a poor implementation. I find myself wishing that you had an option to eliminate the "tactical" combat in favor of simply auto-resolving it without cards based on simple higher MP wins. The card counters are too powerful to have in the game without any sort of indication of what is going to be chosen by the opponent (and if you did have that knowledge would lead to constant victory... which you can currently reload saves until you get.) Minor tweaking cannot solve this, it should be scrapped and replaced (or simply scrapped, which would make it better than it currently is.) GalCiv has a better combat system (they just have RPS based autoresolve for those who have not played it.)

In short, you must win by press of numbers and technology, which makes the combat system totally irrelevant. If you count on it you end up reloading until you get a random favorable card selection... which is not much fun, and has nothing to do with either strategy or tactics.

This is simply not true. The combat is not R/P/S and it has a bunch of tactical and strategical options. Neither military power nor countered battle actions make you autowin/autolose a battle, you should experiment some more. Ship-fitting and unit-combination are just as important as predicting your enemies movement, ship-fitting and battle-action picks.
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12 years ago
Dec 29, 2012, 2:57:43 PM
hey was saying...

Combat system is great the way it is, manual battle should just be disable in default setting for a multi player battle.
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12 years ago
Dec 29, 2012, 1:35:54 PM
The current combat system was put in place to essentially have one that's not, one unit deletes another like in Civ (Which isn't bad for Civ).

I believe its on the same basis as the reason for the combat system in GalCiv2, it was to focus on the rest of the game rather then so much time on a system that could potentially not even work.

and Javarino, please use the enter key to brake up your paragraph, as it is currently very hard to read. thanks.
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12 years ago
Dec 28, 2012, 10:25:52 PM
I feel like the tech tree is a neat idea having four different areas of specialization. It means you make hard decisions based on your empire's specialty, but for sure it really needs an upgrade to be a little more user friendly.

Maybe the ability to click on a tech and see more in depth info on what it is you're researching, and why you should do it. Also it feels really clunky going from the slick star system screen to the rather barebones tech tree, maybe some more effects for which tech you're hovering over similar to planets, or at the least something aesthetically pleasing in the background. I agree with you about combat, it needs some serious revision. The fact that you go from turn based master control to randomly picking three cards for a prerendered battle kind of sucks.

Probably the easiest way to improve combat would be to 1.Make it turn based. Each turn you can see your opponents strength at that range type, and play a card accordingly. After the effects of the first range you would do the same for the second etc. until the battle was over. 2.Show some cold hard numbers in the battle itself. Seriously, its really annoying to know the strengths of all the ships but be unable to see how they affect each other or even what the heck is doing damage. 3. Make it more tactical how your ships are arranged in orbit around star systems.

This one I don't have a clear answer for yet, but I know it really sucks that Endless Spaces control over space battles only extends to are they in orbit around a system? If yes, have they started a battle yet this turn? If no battle is allowed. It's really annoying and rather oversimplified for what should be an epic space conflict.

These are my suggestions for problems, I haven't played Master of Orion before so I don't know what it is you're comparing against, but I hope you can either agree with or critique these ideas. I'd like to hear some of your solutions. You too PathosesNorm.

Edit: sorry. Like this?^
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12 years ago
Dec 27, 2012, 10:29:57 PM
I haven't read all of the above, but I will point out that MOO2 had its advantage of being the second in the series, a better comparison might be made from MOO1.
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12 years ago
Dec 27, 2012, 10:08:32 PM
I for one think the Tech Tree is great. You can't research combat tech exclusively but have to spread it out.

I think this is good because otherwise War-traits would be far superior i think. And all techs do something useful it all depends on what traits you've chosen for your faction, type of game play and plan for victory and what types of planets your system have.

When it comes to the Combat i sort of like it event though as you say, MP makes most of it but then again, why shouldn't it? if you have a bigger fleet with better weapons you should win and in an even game. everyone should have somewhat the same lever of MP and SP. And i think picking "cards" can be tricky depending on your type of weapons and defense and that of your enemy and how healthy your fleet is. And with the new patch the AI is tad smarter and don't attack a superior fleet and runs away if you're to powerful. The graphics doesn't do much for me but its better then not having anything there while you're thinking on what to do next and with the new patch/dlc you dont have to watch it and wait if you know what to do. =)

With all this I'm not saying the game is perfect, a lot can be done to make it better but this isn't the thread for me to post them all in.

And Koolwaad, why not speak english in the common forum?
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12 years ago
Dec 27, 2012, 12:47:17 PM
Salut ,

je viens dénoncer le 0/5 en combat

une fois que l'on a compris le systeme de précision des armes en fonction de la distance d'engagement, il convient de réflechir.


Le systeme de combat est, en outre, tout à fait adapter à des parties multijoueurs à plusieurs. par contre le systeme de combat manuel est useless à mon avis ( bien en solo mais en multi faut que ça aille vite) Ou alors il faudrait que cela soit fenetré, sans loading.

Une partie Multi devrait être sans mode Manuel "Par Défault"
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