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Opinion Requested On Faction Traits

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12 years ago
Dec 10, 2012, 8:21:04 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
1 turn saved in travel time adds up.

Colony's get founded quicker, fleets are never late to the war, resources are obtained earlier, and the game progresses faster for the player quicker.

It's one of these things that adds up over time.

I have 99.99999% unbeatable expansion & gathering without "fast travelers" smiley: smile Though I have not tried fast travelers, I have been thinking about it. HNo0wever, I cannot think of something that I can do without to get it :/
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12 years ago
Dec 20, 2012, 2:20:21 PM
That negative approval doesn't.

You colonise other systems, even playing on a Tiny (where the effect of the negative Anomaly would be most pronounced) chances are you'll grab at least one more. It doesn't significantly alter early expansion.

Focusing entirely on the Automatons you can easily negate any initial production deficit with their stacked industry, exemplified in that its common to use Unskilled Builders at maximum stack with Automatons.

While I can see how some games might be adversely affected that is more a consequence of the inherent random dice rolls of ES's early game than it is any specific disadvantage from a negative anomaly. The -10 would be more acceptable if they were all High Gravity equivalent negative anomalies.
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12 years ago
Dec 20, 2012, 2:13:01 PM
Waylander1982 wrote:

If you can get rid of it in less than 50 turns then while it might initially present some disadvantage by the end game its completely irrelevant

Assumes the negative approval doesn't make that 50 turns into 60+, and assumes that your slower early game expansion doesn't mean you're wiped out before the end-game. A negative anomaly on your home system really does hurt your early game if you haven't got a way to offset it (playing enough Automatons while they were still set to the "random" negative anomaly, the only thing worse than an approval penalty was a production penalty).
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12 years ago
Dec 20, 2012, 1:31:09 PM

When compared with other disadvantageous faction traits, particularly battle or fleet traits, the -trait point values for Anomalies should be a pittance. If you can get rid of it in less than 50 turns then while it might initially present some disadvantage by the end game its completely irrelevant, and in the case most of the possible random "negative" anomaly bar High Gravity it can be reduced into something that gives a bonus.

Furthermore as far as I can tell all the reductions have been buffed to be as good, if not better, than some standard positive anomalies (Psychoactive Air becoming +20 Approval for instance). But then a full change log has been far less than forthcoming.
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12 years ago
Dec 20, 2012, 12:47:47 PM
With the massively increased cost to Optimistic, those -Approval penalties on the Unlucky Colonist anomalies really can hurt your early game. In the same vein, Hellgourds now seems like too few points (unlike base Automatons, who are allowed to go over cost with Optimistic to eliminate most of the penalty, a custom Automaton is pretty much going to have to drop both).
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12 years ago
Dec 20, 2012, 11:31:57 AM
-10 for Unlucky Colonists is massively overpowered, even more so with the current cost of Technologies and the reduction to the cost of Cloning.
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12 years ago
Dec 18, 2012, 10:16:34 PM
Good points here but overall i agree that the traits need rebalanced slightly, it would be easy when they are adding new traits and options later to revise this. Im thinking it would not be hard however to set the bar a few weeks from now and just balance it then, set some time aside and just get it done. Im not saying that it is not hard, but reserving time to do this would make for more fun and balanced multiplayer games as well as fixing the issue.
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12 years ago
Dec 18, 2012, 4:33:56 PM
Anomaly traits are poorly balanced, to say the least. Before you read the below, note that I'm considering all of these comparative with the best (Friendly Locals/Low Gravity) and the worst (High Gravity) anomalies available to you through faction traits. Obviously these are very perspective based and I don't expect many people to agree, if only because I'm arguing from the stand point of "been there done that" in terms of what I have and haven't seen/used combined in custom factions. Fun fact, Hellgourds is really good. REALLY good.

Dust Lode / 8 / +3 Dust

Balanced, but not by much. Antonov Rings would a better choice for overall balance.

Hellgourds / -5 / +3 Food -25 Approval

A positive cost would be more balanced, probably something like 4/5, the food bonus is solid and useful while the approval malus is easily countered. If it was impossible to reduce the anomaly, or if the reduction removed all effects, then a -3 would be more balanced. BUG - Missing graphic for reduction button.

Huygens Rings / 5 / +2 Science +1 Dust

Cost needs to be increased. The bonuses this gives to early game utitily and growth more than justify it having a cost of 8, regardless of how useful (or otherwise) these bonuses are in the end game.

Metallic Waters / 8 / +1 Industry +10 Approval

In line with the others, perhaps a cost of 6/7 to make it more appealing as good noob fodder for those unsure of what they're doing.

Mineral Poor / -5 / -1 Industry -1 Dust -10 Approval

Needs to be rebalanced or made so that it is impossible to remove, these need to be a constant negative companion like all the other faction traits or they're just free points to spend in other ways, regardless of the potential hindrance to the early game.

Mineral Rich / 8 / +3 Industry

Should be replaced with Komatiite Volcano, as it stands this is far too useful for early rushing.

Poor Soil / -5 / -1 Food -1 Science -10 Approval

As with "Mineral Poor".

Rich Soil / 8 / +3 Food

Rich Atmosphere for 6/5 or Propitious seasons for the same cost would be more balanced.

Terraformed / 10 /

From a purely balance perspective using stuff like "Ice 10" etc. in this category would actually work much better, moreso if cost was reduced to 5/6.

>Friendly Locals / / +1 Food +1 Population +20 Approval

Game winningly good. Would be better as Hollow Planet or Microfactories relative to point cost.

>Strange Fossils / / +2 Dust +2 Science

Solid relative to point cost.

>Antonov Rings / / +2 Dust +1 Science

Swap with Dust Lode.

>Low Gravity / / +1 Industry +1 Population +10 Approval

Tad too good, whatever balance the extra population would provide (in terms of OvP Dis) is negated by the approval, Hollow Planet would suit this better.

>Rich Atmo / / +1 Food +10 Approval

Cyber Flora or Microfactores would be better relative to point cost.

>Komatiite / / +2 Industry

As much as it pains me to say it Mineral Rich would be a good reward for rolling the dice here.

>Metallic Waters / / +1 Industry +10 Approval

Molten Springs.

Unlucky / -6 /

Bar High Gravity most of these barely warrant a -2, if it can be removed that is. And to a point even if it can't.

>Hostile Fauna / / -10 Approval

Not even noticeable. Replace with Corrosive Soil! smiley: biggrin

>Swamp World / / +1 Food -1 Industry -10 Approval

Would fit better in a rebalance "Terraformed Planet", but as it stands a solid -2.

>Seismic / / +1 Science -1 Dust -10 Approval

As above.

>Long Season / / -1 Food -1 Dust

I maintain that this is bugged and was originally intended to be something like +1 Food/-1 Dust. As it stands however it barely grabs the -2, maybe something like EM Radiation.

>Meteor Strikes / / +1 Industry -1 Science -10 Approval

Replace with Kessler Syndrome.

>High Gravity / / -1 Approval -10 Approval

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12 years ago
Dec 18, 2012, 3:12:28 PM
Space Battle

Deadly Weapons: 12%/24%/36% more damage for 5 points - This is one of those traits its useful to a degree for military civs to make use of early weapons against superiorweapons, but even on even grounds does not produce overwhelming results.

Dust Recyclers: 10/20 dust per CP killed for 5 points - As well as knowledge gathering should be 10/20.

Humane Weapons: 12%/24%/36% I have seen several succesful civs use this but hte price return should be the same as the benefit of deadly 5/10/15

Knowlede Gathering: 20/40 FP per CP killed for 5 points - Same as dust recyclers should be 10/20

Mutal Understanding: 5% more min and maxdamage per ally for 5 points - perfectly balanced unlike deadly weapons this shows other players your race is more diplomatic and your offensive abilites only come out through co-operation.

Offense First: -5%/10%/15% Deff on ships per 2 points - this is a perfectly balanced trait. Best picked if you put 50% of less defense on your ship... or none at all as some players do.

Optimal Defense: +5%/10%/15% Deff on ship per 5 points -should cost teh same as offense first 2/4/7 as defense is already less than offense per tech level.

Snipers: 5%/10%/15% more Weapon accuracy for 5 points - Perfectly balanced, can be negated with tactics on hero and battle cards depending on weapons used.

Spray 'n Pray: 5%/10%/15% less Weapon accuracy for 2 points - As all others the benefits of this should be that it gives back as many points as snipers gives 5/10/15.. only reason to pick this if you have little intention of waging war. PErfect for the civ that wants to appear peaceful to aid in diplomacy.


Builders: -10%/20%/30% ind cost for bildings for 8 points - Perfectlybalanced.

Masters of Destruction: 25%/50% less ind cost of weapons for 10 points - I think it should also reduce the tonnage of the weapons 25%/50% respectively.

Militarists: 10%/20%/30% reduced shipcost for 8 points - this is fairly balanced it is only useful in ship building and tends to only see real value in late games when ships cost alot.

The Price of Beauty: 10%/20%/30% increased shipcost for 4 points - As all other traits its return should be the same as teh cost of the benefit 8/16/24

Unskilled Builders: +10%/20%/30% ind cost for bildings for 5 points - It should definitely be the same return as it cost to purchase builders.


Black Thumbs: 10%/20%/30% less Food per 5 points - Are you insane. I actually tried my civ. The slower growth totally annihlates you. You lose science, dust, and production... 10/20/30 as suggested early.

Cloning: +1 Food T3/T2/T1 for 10/16/25 points - great bonus, but a bit to expensive 5/10/15 would make more sense. Tolerant civs best friend

Growth plan: 10%/20%/30% more Food per 10 points - way to expensive. Perfectly balanced for what it does. You gain increased production, dust, and science!

Optimistic: 10/20 moral on system per 8/18 points - 1 point allways taken as moral is needed all the time, maybe the 2nd level is to costly as with pessimistic these two should cost 5/10 useful for some civs particularly expansive or smaller civs. Negates some teching.

Pessimistic: 10/20 moral less for 3/8 points - The moral hit is high and the cost return is less than optimistic 5/10 for 3/8 or 10/20 for 10/20


Blockade Breaker: Trade even in war for 15 points - Only useful to Eternal wars to make sure resources can be pumped in all system regardless of blockade. 15 points is perfectly blanced. Only useful to diplomatic or crazy war civs.

Businessmen: 10%/20%/30% more dust on system for 10 points - if put on the right civ say one with 30% increased growth this becomes very powerful.

Dust Archaelogy: +20/42 startdust for 1/2 points - Perfectly balanced.

Dust starved: 0 dust for 1 point - perfectly balanced.

Entrepreneurs: 1 dust/pop for 20 points - Definitely should be 15 ponts. 1 extra dust per pop is really only useful to high pop civs, without high pop businessmen actual returns a better investment since it compoudns on top of buildings.

Merchants: +1/2 traderoutes for 8/16 points - to expensive 5/10 would be a better balance and more obtainable to diplomatic aimed civs.

Spenthrifts: 10%/20%/30% less dust on system for 5/10/16 points - .As with its reverse it should return as many points as businessmen costs to gain perks.

My final assessment is that for the most part many of the traits are perfectly balanced. Most can be offset much later in the game by tech althought oyu never truly regain what you lose but merely chose to research in the direction to negate some of its effects either by choice or circumstance. The real issue comes in a couple of enhancements to the civ generating process i will now suggest one which someone else already suggested and couple that almost every civ and 4x strategy game considers.

1stL Technology. There should be a trait to start with no tech at all which could give 5 or 10 points if not as another individual each race should start of with 2 or 3 techs they pick, and extra techs could than cost what they do now thus making their points mean something. Some civs may chose to start with weapons some may choose to start with exploration. Tech will heavily define the race.

2nd: Heroes... There is a lot of RANDOM chance to this game. The number of planets you get in your home system and surrounding systems, what planets they are, and their size... heroes should not be random. A military civ that gets all corporate and administrators makes little sense. A culture of warriors generally frown upon these "jobs" or "classes". Whereas a science or production civ would make less sense to have warriors. Each race should pick 3 heroes to start with. How the acquire and use them in game is still up to them. This allows civs to play the way their style is and have marginal control over their own destiny... the systems, planets, and size of planets are still up to complete random and that has a larger randomizing factor than heroes. Heores are plus that not all civs may care to use. A war civ that picks 3 battle leaders may than pick micromangers as the lose in experience is less because they battle more.

3rd: My final suggestion.. your home world is important. It is not just some random system in the universe... it is the birthplace of your society. All homeworlds should have a unique building that cannot be built on any other system. Whatever you call it a Senate, Palace it provides a small bonus to that planet and its lose is felt by your entire people. The pilgrams could move this building as a added bonus to their racial set.
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12 years ago
Dec 18, 2012, 3:10:24 PM
Having read sever of the comments i have taken the format of teh best one and modified it a small ammount.



Dust Lode: +3 Dust for 8 points - 5 points preferable 3 extra dust is not as valuable as extra food or science.

Huygens Rings: +1 Dust +2 Science - 5 points for an early boost is perfect.

Metallic Waters: +1 prod +10 moral - 5 points at the most.

Mineral Poor: -1 prod -1 dust -10 moral - 8 or 10 points makes more sense.

Mineral Rich: +3 prod - well balanced.

Poor Soil: -1 food -1 science -10 moral - 10 points would be balanced because slower growth and less science actual compounds.

Rich Soil: +3 food - 8 points for rich soil is perfect.

Terraformed planet: to random for the 10 points The fact that this is random is its downside. Either 5 points or get rid of it and put the various anomlies in at various points (eden for exmaple would be 15)

Unlucky Colonist: get a random "negative anomaly" - 5/10 peir teir.


- postive anomalies costs nearly the same, but their influence is greatly different and so should their price

(+3 food let you build +ind exploit, Hugyens rings give the early game dust and science bonus - perfect price for what it does, my favorite)

(Metalic water on the other hand is way to expensive for what it does - maybe if it had +2 prod it would be worth it)

- negative anomalies give to less points for making the early game harder

This assesment is extremely accurate, and only needed minor changes for balancing issues in my opinion.


Scientists: 10% S for 10 points - good to take, valid choice, worth the price. Excellently balanced as well as all other + economy and food.

Space Cadets: 10% S malus for 5 points - should return as many poitns as the reverse costs to add.

Tolerant: 50% / 75% FIDS on unreseached planets: if played correctly this allows you to focus research on much better things such as moral, economy, and food production so when you do research the actual tech for colonization it is much easier. If you build for a fast travelling and rapid colony ship building (militarists or masters of illusion) you can actually colonize so much faster it that it will give you a huge advantage in production and science.


Anarchists: -1 /2 CP for 6 point - I would say that this and big fleets should be exactly the same whatever the points being. Having a smaller fleet if your ships are more pwoerful can work to your advantage and having huge fleets cost more. It is a tricky thing to balance.

Big fleets: 1 / 2 CP for 10 points - way to expensive 6/15

Fast Travelers: 1 / 2 Move for 5 points - teh same points as slow travers per tier.

Fragile hulls: -15% / 30% hull for 5 points - . Well balanced.

Master of Illusion: 20% / 40% Ind reduction for 5 points - It is of limited usefulness only in early game 5 points is perfect.

Meticolous Analysis: 1 / 2 scanrange on ships for 3 points - worthless 2/4 should be the price and the scan should apply to planets.

Optimal structure: 15% / 30% more space for 10 points - . Another well balanced trait.

Slow travelers: -1 / -2 movement for 3 points - . Perfectly balanced.

Strong Alloys: +20% / +40% Ship Hp for 10 points - that strong alloys per teir should cost only slightly more than the equivalent weak hulls.

Wasted Space: -10% / 20% weight on ships for 8 points - the cost is fine but perhaps 8% and 7% for maximum 15%


Deep Roots: lose faster control and get it slower back - 1 per point ... make it 2 or 3 and it's worth taking - for turtles. I agree except 2/4

Fearless warriors: +12/25 Defence/pop - in itself good, compared to other traits not worth it for the points. 4/8 makes the most sense since the advantages can be overriden by invasion modules.

feeble warriors: -8 def/pop or -8deff/pop + -25% def - 2nd point is less points for what it does, still often taken ("if i cannot hold with fleets then the siege is lost anyway") this is perfeclty balanced.

Rebellion: faster controlgain on conquered systems - price is right, but useless compared to other things. Useful for military conquerors.

Revenge: +25% MP/invasion and 25% Deff when system lost for 4 points - if you need it you normaly lost the game anyways, or it's only 1 system after you defended, not wot taking. Should be cheaper.

Stellar Guarians: +2/4 Influence for 5 points - Influence has a large effect but it is just too expensive for it to be useful. 2/4 points would balance it and make this mrore useful. It does force players/ai to actually declare war to move through your space.


Death befor dishonor: +20%/40% EP this trait needs to be reduce in cost.

Dust impaired: +50%/100% ability cost for 2 points - balanced. It also can be reduced by picking hero traits.

Heroic Medicine: 25%/50% reduced healing costs - his is a skill thats useful if you tend to lose heroes.. heores on invaded colonies should actually be injured when it falls as well.

Legendary Heroes: less upkeep, leveled heroes to start - . This would be balanced if my hero suggestion at the end is taken.

Micromanagers: more heroupkeep and less EP for 6 points - who uses that? no one, not even for the 6 points. This should be increases to 10/20 if you decide to not use heroes or to focus less on heroes could be an interesting build.

Power masters: 25%/50% reduce cost to 2/4

Sloppy sawbones: 50%/100% This is very well balanced it makes you think about your heroes if they do get wounded they cost alot more per leve. However something needs to be fixed. If for example you gain 3 levels in a space battle and than your hero is wounded his cost is only uped if you sepend his ability points. The cost should be the heroes current level not his current spent abilities points.


Diplomats: 25%/50% tradeincome for 6/15 - balanced. I agree if the player chooses a more diplomatic approach the income from trade can be exception especially if they take blockade runner to prevent blockades from breaking trade routes.

eternal war: no techtrade, no peace or more for 10 points - this should be 15 to 20 points for one reason, and that reason is no tech, no hero ability, and nothing you can to do to diminish its effects. Eternal war players are often targeted by many players at once. The loss in trade and ability to trade tech, to form alliances... all crucial to smart players. Alot of people in mp do use this, because in multiplayer people tend to assume everyone is out to get them.

Naive: +4 moral per peace/allied - I think this is a interesting trait if you can make allies you can increase your moral early in the game tho i do agree 2/4 is a better proce.

Symbiosis: +15%/30% balanced
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12 years ago
Dec 13, 2012, 1:11:16 PM
Must-haves for almost all my mp-builds include:

Optimistic, Crowded Planets 1, Optimal Structure 2, Entrepeneurs & Master of Illusion 2 combined with Sophon Affinity

Dust Impaired 2, Sloppy Sawbones 2, Hellgourds, Feeble Warriors 2

With the extremely cheap colony ships it's possible to get around 140 population by turn 45.
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12 years ago
Dec 12, 2012, 12:18:57 AM
Tolerant was probably the trait that most excited me AND disappointed me the most.

Colonizing planets early just hits you with crippling Approval penalties before you have the tech to compensate for them, and the FIDS penalty is just insult to injury when you consider that planets requiring higher tech give out less FIDS. At best, you can grab a resource monopoly early at the cost of a system going sour with the Approval penalties, but that's a very harsh trade-off.

Tolerant should give a flat Approval bonus for colonized worlds equal to their normal penalty, no FIDS penalty, and maybe a small FIDS bonus if you have the correct tech.

As for the other traits, only hero traits seem abusive. The amount of points you can net by just not playing with heroes is too good considering how often random chance can prevent players from getting good heroes and how few heroes are usually in play. Starting the game with three fleet heroes is basically like having none at all for the first 50 turns of the game, and even then the negative traits don't interfere in any meaningful way.

It would be different if players had to choose immediately whether to hire heroes or dismiss them, with the dismissed entering a general pool that anyone can hire. This would give players a larger choice of heroes.

The extra space on ships trait is probably the only "broken" trait. The extra cost is putting more stuff on a ship is easily offset by the fact that a third more weapons and defenses is basically a third more control points and a reduction in Dust maintenance costs because extra weapons and defenses is like having more ships. That's even before you take into account that taking that 30% and putting just weapons or defenses is asymmetrically good because it's like doubling your weapons or defenses.
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12 years ago
Dec 29, 2012, 4:57:01 PM
Hi. So should there be a new thread for discussion of these values as they stand post patching? I still think discussion can further balance them.
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12 years ago
Dec 10, 2012, 8:04:55 PM
1alexey wrote:

Personally i have no problems with taking the slow travelers, since as tech goes up, ships become much faster.

Is there anything i need to consider?

With exploration events, it's even more valuable.
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12 years ago
Dec 10, 2012, 7:52:09 PM
At this point I have quite an experience in the game, but when I started, I wanted to build my own country government.

Then I really lack Corruption trait: all dust purchases increased cost by 10%.
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12 years ago
Dec 10, 2012, 1:03:22 AM
1 turn saved in travel time adds up.

Colony's get founded quicker, fleets are never late to the war, resources are obtained earlier, and the game progresses faster for the player quicker.

It's one of these things that adds up over time.
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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 9:36:08 PM
Mr.Spartan126 wrote:
Fast Travelers: A must have for all my custom factions.


Personally i have no problems with taking the slow travelers, since as tech goes up, ships become much faster.

Is there anything i need to consider?
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12 years ago
Nov 27, 2012, 10:32:11 AM
Blockade Runners - I don't think this should've ever been something you can slap onto a custom faction.

It kills design space, if anything.
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12 years ago
Nov 27, 2012, 4:17:06 AM
Thx for easy copy paste my fixes are below (Updated with more playtime)



Dust Lode: +3 Dust for 8 points - to expensive - make 3 points

Huygens Rings: +1 Dust +2 Science - 5 points is perfect

Metallic Waters: +1 prod +10 moral - to expensive - make 4 points

Mineral Poor: -1 prod -1 dust -10 moral - WAY to damaging - make -10 points

Mineral Rich: +3 prod - to expensive - make 5 points

Poor Soil: -1 food -1 science -10 moral - to damaging - make -10 points

Rich Soil: +3 food - to expensive - make 5 points

Terraformed planet: - to random for 10 points - make 4 points (so its less than the pick ones)

Unlucky Colonist: get a random "negative anomaly" - potentially game breaking - make it -15/5/5, each upgrade past the first decreases chance of tier 2 anomaly by 25%


Scientists: 10% S for 10 points - a little expensive- make 6/12/18 points (its not as good as other 10%)

Space Cadets: 10% S for 5 points - to damaging - make -10/-20/-30 points

Tolerant: 50% / 75% FIDS on unresearched planets: WAY Overpriced - make 10/20


Anarchists: -1 /2 CP for 6 point - CP is a powerful resource to lose - make -8/-16 points

Big fleets: 1 / 2 CP for 10 points - to expensive - make 8/16 points

Fast Travelers: 1 / 2 Move for 5 points - to expensive - make 2/5 points

Fragile hulls: -15% / 30% hull - Balanced

Master of Illusion: 20% / 40% ind cost reduction - to expensive - make 4/8 points

Meticulous Analysis: 1 / 2 scan range on ships - worthless -make +1/+1 points

Optimal structure: 15% / 30% more space for 10 points - best ship trait - leave as is

Slow travelers: -1 / -2 movement - to damaging - make -5/-10

Strong Alloys: +20% / +40% Ship HP - HP is worthless - make 6/12

Wasted Space: -10% / 20% weight on ships - WAY to damaging - make -12/-24 points


Deep Roots: lose faster control and get it slower back - to damaging - make -3/-6

Fearless warriors: +12/25 Defence/pop - Worthless compared to other traits, make 5/8 points

Feeble warriors: -8 def/pop or -8 def/pop + -25% def - Balanced

Rebellion: faster control gain on conquered systems - Underpowered - Make 1/2 points

Revenge: +25% MP/invasion and 25% Deff when system lost for 4 points - worthless - make 2/4 points

Stellar Guardians: +2/4 Influence for 5 points - Worthless - make 2/4 points


Death before dishonour: +20%/40% EP on fleet battles for heroes - to expensive make 4/8 points

Dust impaired: +50%/100% ability cost for 2 points - Balanced

Heroic Medicine: 25%/50% reduced healing costs - WAY to expensive - make 3/5

Legendary Heroes: less upkeep, leveled heroes to start - Very Powerful - Increased to 10/20

Micromanagers: more hero upkeep and less EP - Very Damaging - make -10/-20 points

Power masters: 25%/50% ability cost reduce - Underpowered - make 2/4 points

Sloppy sawbones: 50%/100% healing cost increase - balanced


Diplomats: 25%/50% trade income for 6/15 - Balanced

Eternal War: no peace - Powerful if used in custom races - I would keep it the same but add Custom Races Can't use trade routes - Hard to program maybe?

Naive: +4 moral per peace/allied - Way Underpowered - make it 2/4 points and +5/10 moral per peace/allied

Symbiosis: +15%/30% trade per cooperation - worth it, Balanced

Space Battle

Deadly Weapons: 12%/24%/36% more damage - Balanced

Dust Recyclers: 10/20 dust per CP killed - Balanced

Humane Weapons: 12%/24%/36% less damage - JUNK - delete it/At Least make it -6/-12/-18

Knowledge Gathering: 20/40 FP per CP killed -Balanced

Mutual Understanding: 5% more min and max damage per ally - Underpowered - Make 2/4/6 points

Offence First: -5%/10%/15% Deff on ships - Underpowered - Make -3/-6/-9

Optimal Defence: +5%/10%/15% Deff on ship -Underpowered - Make 3/6/9

Snipers: 5%/10%/15% more Weapon accuracy - Balanced

Spray 'n Pray: 5%/10%/15% less Weapon accuracy - Way Underpowered - make -5/-10/-15


Builders: -10%/20%/30% ind cost for bildings for 8 points - Balanced

Masters of Destruction: 25%/50% less cost of weapon modules for 10 points - needs rework should be 15%/25%/35% for 5/5/5

Add In New Skill

Masters of Protection

15%/25%/35%/ Less cost for defence modules for 2/3/5 points

Militarists: 10%/20%/30% reduced ship cost - Balanced

The Price of Beauty: 10%/20%/30% increased ship cost - To damaging - Make it -6/-12/-18

Unskilled Builders: +10%/20%/30% ind cost for buildings - Way to damaging - Make -8/-16/-24


Black Thumbs: 10%/20%/30% less Food per 5 points - Way to damaging - Make -8/-16/-24

Cloning: +1 Food T3/T2/T1 for 10/16/25 points - to expensive - Make 7/14/21

Growth plan: 10%/20%/30% more Food per 10 points - Way to expensive - Make 6/12/18

Optimistic: 10/20 moral on system per 8/18 points - to expensive - Make 8/16

Pessimistic: 10/20 moral less for 3/8 points - Way to Damaging - Make -8/-16


Blockade Breaker: Trade even in war for 15 points - Overpowered - Make 25

Businessmen: 10%/20%/30% more dust on system - Way to expensive - make 3/6/9

Dust Archaelogy: +20/42 start dust- Balanced

Dust starved: 0 dust for 1 point - Balanced

Entrepreneurs: 1 dust/pop for 20 points - Overpriced - Make 18

Merchants: +1/2 Trade routes for 8/16 points - to expensive - Make 6//12

Spenthrifts: 10%/20%/30% less dust on system - Underpowered - make -8/-16/-24 Picking it disables Entrepreneurs


All are overpriced all custom races should get 1 free tech (don't know how u do this programming wise)

then the next Techs are 3/5/5 for a max of 4 techs
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