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The imbalance of maps!

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11 years ago
Jun 4, 2013, 5:41:51 AM
I definitely agree with Igncom here.
Igncom1 wrote:
Why should it be fair? Players playing different races, with different starting homeworlds already have different start bias's, so why not let the map generate in a way that has players playing differently to each other then by the most efficient strategy every game?
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11 years ago
Jun 4, 2013, 4:21:14 AM
(For the sake of argument, that or because I am a sadist)

Why should it be fair? Players playing different races, with different starting homeworlds already have different start bias's, so why not let the map generate in a way that has players playing differently to each other then by the most efficient strategy every game?

That sounds boring as hell to always play the same every game, and don't go telling me that, that is because of the games balance, because you guys have-already ripped the improvements to pieces in the name of your holy balance because you guys want a perfectly symmetrical game.

If you want a perfectly balanced game, go play chess as the closest a game can get to 'balanced'.

(For the sake of argument, that or because I am a sadist)

A symmetrical map could be a cool addition for the MP guys, but I am QUITE uneasy about the amount of 'balance' you guys are going on about, when I would prefer a revision of many of the systems you claim are unbalanced first.

(There are times when I feel it could be cool to replace system improvements with branching planetary improvements, and build up systems with a more complex version of that, and leave the system wide stuff for mega projects like HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE shipyards and orbital rings, as well as fleet support/management and later hopefully defence (Although a fort type planetary improvement would be awesome!) to top of the higher level stuff that are strategic in nature.)

(Note to modder Igncom1 or others, mod about more complex planetary improvements and other stuff listed above.....and rework resources to be more strategically important (Did a test other day, making every luxury resource monopoly bonus as +50% empire dust made gaining monopoly's a hugely viable strat for economic victory's mid-late game when competing with industrial military empires, making trade more important proved elusive, will conduct more testing. (Sophons with 3 monopoly's cascaded hugely with the bonus and won around turn 90-130(Not sure) at fast speed)) lots of thoughts today Ign....lots.)
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