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Upcoming Endless Space update - Gathering of ideas

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10 years ago
Aug 24, 2014, 11:36:34 PM
This would be so awesome... Only a few picture ! And some pretty sounds and Epic music !

Dev can do that atleast..
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10 years ago
Aug 24, 2014, 11:36:39 PM
I could even see that as a close representation of UE ground forces going up against massive Sower death machines lol
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10 years ago
Aug 25, 2014, 1:00:22 AM
One word: Diplomacy.

They should completely revisit diplomacy.

Immersion is seriously lacking, too. They should have similar screens as EL, at the very least, during diplomatic encounters.

I've been saying this since the very, very beginning. You can go back to my very first posts and they were all about the lack of immersion in diplomacy.

Edit: Here, I've found my original post about diplomacy: /#/endless-space/forum/27-general/thread/9688-diplomacy-what-i-d-like-to-see-it-become

Without it, ES is pretty much dead to me.
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10 years ago
Aug 26, 2014, 2:41:12 PM
When I heard of the thread I just registered for the sake of giving my two cents. Maybe it will help to keep this game interesting for quite a bit more. I'm currently working on a reblancing mod *and a total conversion in the shadows. This is what I feel would be much appreciated by me and others planning full conversions including models:

  • More diverse projectile prefabs -> Actual beams as well as more diverse rockets. Maybe ability to change colours in the xml. I'd love to be able to mod faction-specific weaponry, but at the moment it is just not enough diversity in the prefabs to go all the way. (Also, but this is a very optional case: Possibility to have more generic collision pefabs without engines in the wrong places. Hint: Would already help to have just a completely opaque prefab.)

  • Ability to mod ingame graphics such as loading screens. The ability to prevent affinity movies from playing (without having them actually deleted from disk) would also be cool.

  • Replacement of diplomacy prefabs. If necessary and/or possible with the 2D portraits of the repsective races. (One way would be to create a fall-back diplomacy interface without the 3D models.) For a complete conversion this is a major impediment.

  • Replacement of map prefabs such as the fleet placeholding models, stars, anomalies and travel lanes.

  • Replacement of audio, including weapon effects as well as interface. Although I can see how this is a very far stretch.

  • Interface modding in terms of colour and/or GUI layout. Colour shouldn't be too hard I guess.

  • Ability to add more (and more diverse) ship classes.

The most important for last: In order to create both challengeing and fun scenarios, it would be very very very cool to have cooperative winning conditions for (pre-game-agreed) alliances. I can see that there has to be some work done on the precise mechanics, but I would certainly be able to give additional input. More complicated victory conditions like a list of strategic systems will continue to be a dream, but team victory would do for now.
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10 years ago
Aug 27, 2014, 5:53:12 AM

This is a big one for me. Currently you are best off to either stick with each weapons optimal range (which is still kinetic-melee, beam-medium, missile-long) or go for long-range weaponry only. Missiles are overal MUCH weaker then their counterparts due to the rate of fire (also affects number of targets which can be destroyed each segment as overkill damage doesnt "spread") and an effective alpha strike can decide the fight / cripple the enemy early on. Designing your ships is therefore a no-brainer with no real choice involved if you want to end up with an effective design. So far I had best results (and I mean.....by a mile) with long range kinetics and only use beams in order to throw off the AI when it counterdesigns my fleets. I might even go with missiles in order to spread the enemy defensive screen further but thats really the only reason.

I miss classic in this regard where designing your ships had real impact and later on you were forced to adapt your designs to stay competetive. In Disharmony I simply stick to LR kinetics and use it throughout the game....it gets old. "mixing it up" is a question of taste...not a valid choice.

System management

What gets really old is to switch your systems to AI governer and back or switch the focus. If you got 30+ systems this will be a time-consuming and repetetive task. I d like to see the option to "multiple select" systems or have an "all systems" feature similar to the current moon exploration/anomaly restoration option. This could be made to work for building queues as well. There are a lot of system improvements you will want on ALL your systems once you unlock them anyway.

An enhancement to the system overview might be nice. Right now you dont see the planets but only totals. Worse....if you want to change planet exploits you have to switch into system view. This means that if you select a focus for the AI governer you are forced to go into system view for each system to determine its best role. Its not as bad as the first point but as well gets old real fast once you pass a certain amount of systems. Also the prime reason why I use AI governers at all....switching exploits every couple turns or terraforming.....hell I could spend an hour per turn in endgame on this alone.


Even tho the devs already mentioned we will probably NOT see team victories or "fixed" teamplay at all its still a feature I d love to see. I am not into competetive gaming at all (anymore) so if I play MP I play coop games. Endless Space still supports this if you care to coordinate with the other players but the AI will always be at a distinct disadvantage in its current form. Also I dont share the statement "ONE race has to win" but thats my personal opinion.

edit: enable us to select our own custom races as opponents. That would bring a whole new level of replayability to the table.
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10 years ago
Aug 23, 2014, 11:19:34 AM
Hi everyone!

As you'll know by now, amplitude has announced that after the release of Endless Legend they'll take another look at ES and give it another update to iron out some issues and perhaps add a new twinkle here and there.

Let us brainstorm in this thread about what this update should bring! I (or another moderator) will keep this first post up to date with a list of suggestions, as to have a decent overview.


Gathered ideas:

[TABLE="class:grid,width:800,align:left"] Idea description Type Post Make diplomacy more lively by adding leader names for the AI,

warning messages if the AI dislikes you,

A greeting message upon discovery, ... Diplomacy immersion link

link Fix the issues the AI has with attacking and retreating instantly AI battle behavior link

link Make the AI stronger by improving:

Diplomacy behavior

System management

Expansion behavior

Fleet composition AI improvement link Adapt random event to the player's faction, as to not reward useless things Random event/exploration events tweaking link Additional artwork for heroes with the same picture Artwork update link Statistics screen to inform one about the progression of other empires during the game Empire management suggestion link Additional hero abilities Hero diversion suggestion link Add minor factions to the game in addition to the pirates to give the galaxy a more lively feeling New faction suggestion link Add the ability to perform counter proposals diplomacy suggestion link Add a visual representation with artwork for planetary invasions Invasion immersion link Option to toggle the playback of the faction movies on and off link Additional changes to allow a wider variety by modding via xmls (see post) Additional modding capacities link Tweak the stats of all weapons and defense types so that ship designs turns from a no-brainer into a actual meaningful decision Combat balance link Add the ability to change the system governor in multiple systems at once, aswell as adding an improvement to multiple queue at once Empire management suggestion link Team victory & starting alliances Addition victory possibilities link

link Let the AI play as a custom faction Gamplay link link link

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10 years ago
Aug 27, 2014, 11:22:51 AM
Kingsguard wrote:
Im surpised that this idea wasnt added to your "brainstorm" adder...

Its my favorite idea here so far smiley: stickouttongue
I'm planning on updating the first post within a few hours.
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10 years ago
Aug 27, 2014, 1:50:28 PM
Improvements that were made in EL ported over to make ES even better, where possible.
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10 years ago
Aug 27, 2014, 7:24:17 PM
If ES gets another pass and some fixes with a bit of content... oh my......
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10 years ago
Aug 29, 2014, 12:10:38 PM
I'd like to see mechanically distinct planetary outposts. A Sower world should have a very different core outpost than a Sheredyn world.

Edit: On the AI front being able to select a governor AI as well as do manual input would be awesome. Manual input? Governor suspended until things finish, resume at end.
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10 years ago
Aug 29, 2014, 12:15:04 PM
In my Opinion there should be a more different way to play every fraction! I think that they have to much in common to be different species.
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10 years ago
Sep 1, 2014, 2:38:59 PM
So much potential wasted. So sad.

This game has so much potential, i feel saddened by the fact that devs are no longer paying attention to this game. I wish there was more things in this game.

Gonna throw some ideas at your face, so here it goes smiley: smile)

1.Goverment types.

2.Gameplay changes at galaxy map.


4.Vessel types.

5.Combat orders.

6.Combat formations / tactics.

7.Hero talents.

8.Major AI bug

9.Manual Combat. [Edited]


Choose what kind of goverment type you want to use.

(Give positive and negative effects depending on the goverment type. Changing goverment type should be only possible every 10 turns, and there is penalty for 1 to 3 yeards on changing the type, -50% penalty to FIDS´


You cannot blocade system unless you have X ammount of power compared to the defenses of the system you are trying to blockade.

(it's not logical that a scout ship with 16power blockades a trillion people system with ultimate defense systems)


Outfitting possibilities are REALLY limited / impaired, nothing special in it, so why not add, for example:

-Electronic warfare

Can either boost attack / defense or support modules in the fleet or disrupt enemy fleet modules


undetectable in combat untill ship starts shooting or enemy has certain modules installed, which u conficure from the outfit options if stealth module is chosen, bigger the ship is, higher the outfit tonnage cost is. Harder / impossible to detect on galaxy map unless starsystem has detection facilities builded and / or certain actions are taken, such as blockade, attacking, stealth ships will not blockade if there is non-stealth vessels within the fleet which are able to blockade.


Few more vessel types, atleast:

-Electronic warfare ships

cheaper electronic warfare module installation

-Stealth ships

cheaper stealth module installation


If you have specialized vessels in combat you should be able to give order what is their task in the combat.

-Repair vessel:

"Repair the vessel which has lost most percentual HP"

"Repair the vessel which has lost most flat HP"

"Repair the vessel which has most maximum hp"

-Electronic warfare vessel:

"Disrupt Enemy vessel(s) targeting systems"

"Disrupt Enemy vessel(s) defense systems"

"Disrupt Enemy vessel(s) support systems"

"Amplify Friendly vessel(s) targeting systems"

"Amplify Friendly vessel(s) defense systems"

"Amplify Friendly vessel(s) support systems"


Cobat formations needs more a bit more possibilities, even go as far as adding subcategories to formations wich are available depending on wether are you the attacker or the defender, maybe even some are only available via technology advances.

(And add one or more targeting orders.)

-Example for attacker:

First you choose the formation for your fleet from the current formation list, after that you get to choose the attacking tactic: Surrounding tactics

(gives penalty to defensive modules, bonus to offensive modules)

-Example for defender:

First you choose the formation for your fleet from the current formation list, after that you get to choose the defending tactic: Stalling tactics

(at the start of every combat phase ship with most hp is trasfered to the top of the list)

-Example for both:

Default tactics

(no bonuses or penalties)


Should be remade, just plain and simple interactive talent trees. currently is pain in the ♥♥♥ to check every skill from the uninteractive talent tree where certain points leads to.


When computer blockades my system with a fleet, he sends some reinforcements for it since AI notices that i have superioir force there, but before AI's reinforcements arrive, i have destroyed / forced him to flee with the blockading fleet, 1 turn later the reinforcements arrive and AI sends again reinforcements to it since it again notices that i have superoir force there, and yet again i destroy the forces / force AI to flee from the system, and yet again 1 turn later there is that reinforcement for the previous fleet coming to get destroyed. and this goes forever on, AI just suicides his forces even if it could just combine those fleets and whoop my ♥♥♥ with it. Sometimes AI keeps contructing invade ships when it really needs something to defend himself, silly AI smiley: smile


When you go to manual combat, the game should throw a windows at your face where you choose the things you get to choose at the end of every phase of combat, maybe something like 7 to 10 seconds to choose before the phase starts. i find myself often forgetting to choose targeting orders and cards because i am watching the fight going on smiley: biggrin

I expect constructive comments on this post. If you don't have anything constructive to say just don't say anything. Thank yo
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10 years ago
Sep 1, 2014, 10:24:36 PM
BUG FIX - Argument Exception Error Bug in multiplayer games

I am actually fine with the way the game is EXCEPT for the multiplayer bugs. The bugs still make the game unplayable past turn 70+ on average (in multiplayer). You get a argument exception error then you can no longer receive data from the host so you can no longer move units or give commands. Any update should fix the bugs currently in the game and make sure that if they change anything that they are not introducing more game breaking bugs.

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10 years ago
Sep 1, 2014, 10:50:10 PM
Tutori wrote:
disambiguated wall of text

Welcome to the boards Tutori. You make a lot of good suggestions. Many of us have made similar ones in the past, but Amplitude will not implement most of them because they would require significant reworking of mechanics, adding more art and spending a lot of time reworking what exists now. As much as all of us would love that, I doubt it's in the cards. If you look at what you wrote, and take out anything that would require more art and mechanical changes, I think that would be a lot more constructive. You don't have to do this, but it's an idea.
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10 years ago
Sep 2, 2014, 7:55:32 AM
Being able to read the ennemy faction's description ? It is a very simple thing, could be awesome for immersion in Multiplayer ^^
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10 years ago
Sep 2, 2014, 9:49:23 AM
I want to be able to select the color of the AI's. Seriously, it is so annoying.

I want to be able to move a newly selected improvement to the top of the list with one click. I usually have 10 or more ships queued at my best industrial systems and it is ♥♥♥♥♥ing annoying to move something up without buying it.

As someone said before, being able to select the same improvement for every system and put it in the front of the row everywhere with one or two clicks. Would save so much time.

New artwork for the heroes that don't have their own, I also like this one.

Being able to start and win as allies (locked teams). FFS, I hate being forced to play FFA every game, as except Amoeba every faction will backstab me sooner or later, and alliances of the AI are even more ridiculous. Team games (with AI) would be the most fun to play, and devs take this away from us. SHAME.

Tundra, Arid, but what about a same tier research planet? Or an industrial one next to Arctic and Desert? It makes terraforming a bit weird, you cannot terraform your systems to maintain their previous function... Why on earth would I want to terraform a Lava to a desert or Ice if that would crush that system's industrial output for a long time? Or why terraform Ice planets if that would take away most of the research until Ocean planet is reached? Basically makes terraforming useless until you are able to terraform them further into Tundra or Arid, only the barren-ice transformation makes some sense.

Maybe add some industry penalty to some terraforming types. Say, terraforming a Volcanic planet to a desert should be much cheaper than terraforming it to an Ice one, or making an ocean out of an Arid should cost more than from Tundra.. It would make the game a bit more realistic.

I think the base attributes of the best planet types should be changed. Currently neither of them is very useful before late game. Oceanic does not give you too much research early and mid-game, Terran does not give you too much money, and Jungle does not give you enough industry. I think increasing their specialty by 1 per population would be good (I mean, a Jungle planet should be better or almost as good in Industry than Tundra even before the Accelerated Evolution and Dust conversion or something).

To make anomaly removal more realistic, I think they should cost some money after being finished, like 1 dust on the planet to maintain the reductions' effect. I don't think it would be game changing or something, just feels weird to have even the most extreme anomalies removed forever in one or two years without any consequences.
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10 years ago
Sep 2, 2014, 11:17:04 PM
vakhba wrote:
When I heard of the thread I just registered for the sake of giving my two cents. Maybe it will help to keep this game interesting for quite a bit more. I'm currently working on a reblancing mod *and a total conversion in the shadows. This is what I feel would be much appreciated by me and others planning full conversions including models:

  • More diverse projectile prefabs -> Actual beams as well as more diverse rockets. Maybe ability to change colours in the xml. I'd love to be able to mod faction-specific weaponry, but at the moment it is just not enough diversity in the prefabs to go all the way. (Also, but this is a very optional case: Possibility to have more generic collision pefabs without engines in the wrong places. Hint: Would already help to have just a completely opaque prefab.)

  • Ability to mod ingame graphics such as loading screens. The ability to prevent affinity movies from playing (without having them actually deleted from disk) would also be cool.

  • Replacement of diplomacy prefabs. If necessary and/or possible with the 2D portraits of the repsective races. (One way would be to create a fall-back diplomacy interface without the 3D models.) For a complete conversion this is a major impediment.

  • Replacement of map prefabs such as the fleet placeholding models, stars, anomalies and travel lanes.

  • Replacement of audio, including weapon effects as well as interface. Although I can see how this is a very far stretch.

  • Interface modding in terms of colour and/or GUI layout. Colour shouldn't be too hard I guess.

  • Ability to add more (and more diverse) ship classes.

The most important for last: In order to create both challengeing and fun scenarios, it would be very very very cool to have cooperative winning conditions for (pre-game-agreed) alliances. I can see that there has to be some work done on the precise mechanics, but I would certainly be able to give additional input. More complicated victory conditions like a list of strategic systems will continue to be a dream, but team victory would do for now.

While I'd love to see these modding improvements, I'm afraid they're out of our reach. The devs have stated a few times before that because their games run in the unity engine, they can not simply give us the ability to add new assets to the game.

As for features I would like to see, I agree with a few already listed, namely fixing retreats and AI fleet spam, updating weapons and defenses to present more interesting choices, and upgrading the diplomacy AI a bit.

I'd also like to see them integrate a little more lore if possible, and fix those terrible weapon descriptions of the "these are optimized for long range, where they are least effective" variety.

Most importantly, of course, they need to fix multiplayer de-syncs and performance issues in long games, though I would also like to see some upgrades to the interface. The furthest zoom level is useless, as it hides system names and star lanes, and being able to see the tier of each planet in the little dots on the map (perhaps only after researching the technology required to colonize it) in the little dots on the map would be welcome.
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