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[Suggestion - Poll] More Adjustable Pirates

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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 9:06:33 AM
Dr_Mox wrote:
Just turn them into a Faction and be done with it I say, then you can hire 'em to attack the Cravers and watch the fireworks!! Yarrrrr!smiley: twisted

Better still, play them and BE the Fireworks!!! Avast!! 3smiley: smile

And that my friends was a complete objective vote from Dr_Mox, just disregard the fact he is the founder of the "Endless Space Pirates Group". lol

But, when you're right, you're right.
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12 years ago
Jun 8, 2012, 6:57:34 PM
The issue I've had with pirates is that they're never what I want them to be, even on the same setting.

My first few games they'd eat my systems, have more ships than me (as in, ONE fleet of pirates was bigger than my whole armada), and better tech.

Later games saw the reverse: never seeing a fleet of more than 6 pirates, never see them take a planet, walk all over them.

I've more recently turned them off, as I want them to be a threat without being an annoyance, and that's a very difficult line to walk.
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12 years ago
Jun 8, 2012, 5:37:21 PM
I think there should be atleast 4 setting. None, Pathetic, Normal, and Insane (the classical Easy/Medium/Hard spectrum with the added option of turning them off). As it is now the Easy setting is the none. I do think there should be an actual 'easy' setting where you have pirates but they are so pathetic they are pratically none exsistant even for a novice player.

Obviously a good player would brag how even Insane is easy, but that was not my point. More variablity and scale would be nice is my point.
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12 years ago
Jun 8, 2012, 5:28:59 PM
Most games with pirates have them adjustable in some way, ES should be no different. I've had beta games where I've been really hampered by pirates and my fleets have suffered massively while the pirates wiped out two other empires. I don't think the pirates should ever be of the strength where they can wipe out an empire and essentially become one themselves.
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12 years ago
Jun 8, 2012, 11:40:31 AM
I vote for adjustable pirates. I've had my butt trounced more than once by pirates and think their pretty unbalanced at the moment. I think it would be AWESOME to see the pirates become a playable faction so I can get access to whatever tech they have at turn 2 that lets them kick the crap out of the universe.
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12 years ago
Jun 8, 2012, 11:03:11 AM
I agree pirates need to be toned down a bit. Right now they are way way waaaaaay OP. They're now popping with 7-8 ships with the highest tech and have literally wiped out two empires and are working on two more in my game (they are on normal). They should have more of a nuisance mechanic. Basically think of barbarians in the civ series. They should be relatively uncommon and very threatening early game if you aren't paying attention, but later on you should be able to swat them like pesky flies. They definitely should not be knocking out empires whole sale (and arguably at all. The only real threat to an empire should be another empire. Thugs shouldn't have the same fire power as a fine tuned military) and popping up every 5 turns out of nowhere with an armada. I have faith it will be dealt with though, we are in the tuning phase smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jun 8, 2012, 8:56:13 AM
SpaceDogTaz wrote:
I would like to see them more adjustable. I've seen them take a planet and thought that was cool. they got wiped out there by the Sophons.

I would LOVE to see them eventually become a faction of there own. Optional of course : )

Quick idea: Maybe start them out as a nomad group & then have them pick a planet to settle on and become a regular faction.

So your interested in Pirates ehh? smiley: sarcasticWell check out my links on my sig for discussions and groups of a Endless Space nature! Yarrrrrr! smiley: twisted

They have alot of development potential indeed!

The AI just needs beefing up to deal with them and deal with us! Avast!!!
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 10:18:55 PM
I would like to see them more adjustable. I've seen them take a planet and thought that was cool. they got wiped out there by the Sophons.

I would LOVE to see them eventually become a faction of there own. Optional of course : )

Quick idea: Maybe start them out as a nomad group & then have them pick a planet to settle on and become a regular faction.
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 7:10:08 PM
Has anyone played Sins of Solar Empire? they have adjustable pirates :P Such as no pirates/pirates, easy/normal/hard and I think with mods they were able to alter much more about the pirate aspect.
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 7:08:04 PM
Dr_Mox wrote:
Better still, play them and BE the Fireworks!!! Avast!! 3smiley: smile

I expect to have a tech called "Cutlasses" that gives a module that boosts invasion power.
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 5:02:47 PM
I would definately go for manually adjustable pirates, along with the possibility of a "random" setting maybe that does as it says, randomises their strength
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12 years ago
Jun 6, 2012, 10:07:28 AM
Many threads deal with the Pirates. Many people think they are too strong, many think they are too weak. Some say they need a base of operations, so Pirates can be permanently terminated, some say this takes out the risk of Pirates too easy.

I do not think Pirates are too hard or too easy, nor can I vouch for either the "HQ" solution or the alternative.

But what makes perfectly sense, is that the player gets the option to decide, what kind of Piratethreat he/she will be facing.

At the moment the options for Pirates are: none/normal/insane

I would opt for the following: none/easy/normal/hard/insane and piratebase/no piratebase

So we gotta ask: (see poll)

PS: Neutral is not an option here, if you doubt it, than think a little harder smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 8:52:48 AM
Just turn them into a Faction and be done with it I say, then you can hire 'em to attack the Cravers and watch the fireworks!! Yarrrrr!smiley: twisted

Better still, play them and BE the Fireworks!!! Avast!! 3smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 7:41:17 AM
Riik wrote:
Pirates have gotten rediculous in my most recent game. They've wiped out one faction in the early game, it's turn 167 and they're now destroying another. Not only that, but their laser technology is rediculous, and to top it off, they're pulling a very glass cannon-esque strategy, meaning when I combat them with my glass cannon fleets, I take huge losses (playing as Pilgrims, so I don't really have any other successful fleet makeup available).

Currently in my game, there are only 3 dangerous factions in the galaxy. Me, the Amoeba and the pirates. (With 6 empires still alive after the Sowers got wiped by pirates and I slaughtered the Cravers)

I must say in one game my butt was royaly kicked by pirates and I really laughed out loud. OK, I was sidewalk-kicked by an unexplainable force of pirates, but that was a lesson in alpha-beta differences. So now, I do not neglect shiptech in the early stages.

But it would be so nice to have an option to adjust this. One time I only want them to be a small nuisance, and the other time (for example when one plays with less AI's in a big galaxy) I want them to be a serious problem.

So people, vote, vote, vote and perhaps the devs will take notice!
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 4:11:09 AM
Pirates have gotten rediculous in my most recent game. They've wiped out one faction in the early game, it's turn 167 and they're now destroying another. Not only that, but their laser technology is rediculous, and to top it off, they're pulling a very glass cannon-esque strategy, meaning when I combat them with my glass cannon fleets, I take huge losses (playing as Pilgrims, so I don't really have any other successful fleet makeup available).

Currently in my game, there are only 3 dangerous factions in the galaxy. Me, the Amoeba and the pirates. (With 6 empires still alive after the Sowers got wiped by pirates and I slaughtered the Cravers)
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12 years ago
Jun 6, 2012, 8:05:53 PM
I run into people all the time who have massive issues with pirates, meanwhile I personally have never faced a truly difficult encounter with pirates. So being able to adjust them to your personal preference makes sense to me.
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12 years ago
Jun 6, 2012, 5:59:26 PM
Pirates are the ghosts from Mario, the Angels from blink, the Genestealers from Spacehulk.

Just make sure you are looking at all nearby starsystems in your chunk of the galaxy and pirates can no longer harm you.
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12 years ago
Jun 6, 2012, 5:07:42 PM
Have pirates only apear form rebelling colonys? like the ones that you just placed giving you the incentive to build forces early game.
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12 years ago
Jun 6, 2012, 5:05:42 PM
According to the tutorial or tooltip or something, pirates grow weaker as you colonize planets. Of course, they do not at all actually seem to work that way, and a large armada will suddenly appear in the back of my territory with virtually no uncolonized planets armed to the teeth with tech geared up to match my own level. It seems to me that pirates could serve as a good diversion/challenge in the early game, but once you expand and tech up they should fall to merely a slight annoyance as the other factions become the primary threat. This also has the advantage of being a trillion times more realistic than magical armadas appearing out of nowhere with no economic or research mechanisms to speak of taking on galactic empires of the highest magnitude...
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12 years ago
Jun 6, 2012, 4:26:20 PM
I would agree but I would also look for general overall balancing to ensure that there is at least some predictability between gameplay and on default settings due to the fact that pirates act as a random element to the game. From alpha observations, it seems that pirates keep tech parity with the most advanced weapon tech which may not necessarily be the best way to keep them relevant due to benefits they have compared to an empire (build anywhere, no cost, etc).
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