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Astrophysical stats box for planets

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13 years ago
Jun 21, 2012, 2:57:06 AM
I LOVE the detail of the planets and the informaton contained on the screen. The giant nerd in me would like more info- i.e.- position of the planets in the solar system in a schematic. A small screen indicating this would give more detail and provide immersion, as well as allowing for unique solar system items in future builds...Is there a screen like this for ondividual ships/fleets planned in the Gold Version?
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13 years ago
Jun 21, 2012, 12:50:39 PM
Moved to the proposal section, edited title.
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13 years ago
Jun 21, 2012, 1:13:36 PM
RevCallahan wrote:
I LOVE the detail of the planets and the informaton contained on the screen. The giant nerd in me would like more info- i.e.- position of the planets in the solar system in a schematic. A small screen indicating this would give more detail and provide immersion, as well as allowing for unique solar system items in future builds...Is there a screen like this for ondividual ships/fleets planned in the Gold Version?

I don't think so...If I understand you right, you'd like a display something like this?

Or one with the star in the center and a "top-down view" (yes yes, I know there is no real top or bottom in space), and the orbits shown and all that? I'm not too sure that we'll get anything drastically different than the way the system view is now. That simply seems like too much work, when what they have now works just fine.
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13 years ago
Jun 21, 2012, 1:36:02 PM
FinalStrigon wrote:
I don't think so...If I understand you right, you'd like a display something like this?

Or one with the star in the center and a "top-down view" (yes yes, I know there is no real top or bottom in space), and the orbits shown and all that? I'm not too sure that we'll get anything drastically different than the way the system view is now. That simply seems like too much work, when what they have now works just fine.

If that's what he means, I get to move another post to the archives. Something alike has been proposed too many times and been refused by the devs, by now.
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13 years ago
Jun 21, 2012, 6:27:13 PM
If I understand it correctly he doesn't mean a different system view, he's talking about simple stats for the planets. Something like this:

Size: -

Distance from sun: -

Type of atmosphere: -

Land percentage: -

And so on. Of course that could be combined with a different system view but that's not what it's about.

By the way, I like this suggestion, unlikely to see it done by the devs but great for a mod, I added it to my own ideas in the ES Mod-Tracker.
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13 years ago
Jun 23, 2012, 6:22:24 AM
More info could be really cool, (like KNC's version) but could take a lot of effort as well. Especially to keep things somewhat accurate/realistic.
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13 years ago
Jun 23, 2012, 2:51:48 PM
KNC wrote:
If I understand it correctly he doesn't mean a different system view, he's talking about simple stats for the planets. Something like this:

Size: -

Distance from sun: -

Type of atmosphere: -

Land percentage: -

And so on. Of course that could be combined with a different system view but that's not what it's about.

By the way, I like this suggestion, unlikely to see it done by the devs but great for a mod, I added it to my own ideas in the ES Mod-Tracker.

Yeah I think you are right, he means just stats. I really enjoy many of the anomalies, random events or planettypes - just because they are so "sci-fi" and interessting. I'd just love to see some additional stats - exspecially because I'd be interessted how far away which Planet is form the sun of the system they are in. So you even could learn somethin if you base that on actual physics.

For example:

Yellow Sun

Terran Planet:

Distance from the sun: X (a terran Planet ist just able to exist in a certain distance: 149,6 million kilometer => 1 Astronomical Unit for Earth. So lets say between 140M - 150M Km would be possible. You generate a random number between this distance and you have a unique distance for the planet.)

Temperature: Simmilar as Distance, just random generate a number that is in a certain array. I.E.: -20 - 60 °C

Land percantage: oriented by the grafical output.

Atmosphere: a random percantage between a possible array.
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13 years ago
Jun 24, 2012, 2:31:40 PM
Codename_Veers wrote:

Terran Planet:

Distance from the sun: X (a terran Planet ist just able to exist in a certain distance: 149,6 million kilometer => 1 Astronomical Unit for Earth. So lets say between 140M - 150M Km would be possible. You generate a random number between this distance and you have a unique distance for the planet.)

Temperature: Simmilar as Distance, just random generate a number that is in a certain array. I.E.: -20 - 60 °C

What about terraforming? This changes the planet type...
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13 years ago
Jun 24, 2012, 4:37:07 PM
Cheook wrote:
What about terraforming? This changes the planet type...

The same idea which fixes this problem, which is quite obvious when you think about it which I posted quite a few times shall be posted here as well I see.

When you terraform a planet to a certain type you search a way to achieve certain characteristic which always requires tending to each planet individually, even if you won't notice that in the game. That means coming up with certain solutions for specific problems, and for distance the solution is actually quite easy. You just place an array of satellites with huge planes close to the planet which either divert some of the light away from the planet when it is to close to the sun, or vice versa, reflect it to that planet if it is too far away. In a galactic scale the necessery ressources are absolutely manageable. That only means that some planets mostly occur initially within certain places within certain systems, and they could still pop up everywhere in the system when you consider the endless might have just done that to a specific planet.
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