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Multiple Anomalies on planet

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13 years ago
Jun 23, 2012, 12:41:59 AM
Did a quick search, didn't find anything close to this suggestion, sorry if it's a double post.

As title says: I was playing and I was looking at my wonderful empire and started thinking: what if there were multiple anomalies on planets? Why a planet should be limited to only one anomaly?

I mean, in reality you could expect to find a planet with long seasons and a corrosive soil (things which are not mutually exclusive), or a planet with Antonov Rings, Ancient Ruins wich is a Garden of Eden.

Do you think it would un-balance the game too much?

To me it would add another interesting layer of complexity, more weird and interesting combos when exploring a system and deciding if it's worth to colonize a planet.

Maybe allowing the player to chose the setting like: Multiple Anomalies Chance on planets [yes] - [no]?

I'd LOVE to see multiple anomalies on planets! Don't you? smiley: smile
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13 years ago
Jun 23, 2012, 3:20:59 AM
Always thought about it, never thought about suggesting it. It would be cool but hard to implement properly, if the devs add it then after release.

Though I think this could be slammed into a mod and it would fit good into my own modding plans.
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13 years ago
Jun 23, 2012, 9:03:15 AM
Godsninja wrote:
This has already been suggested by a lot of people including me. Your thinking of like double moons and more anomalies.

Unique Planets/Anomalies - Add unique planets/anomalies to the galaxy


I tend to disagree. He neither implies Unique planets, where there are some hidden special planets with more than one anomaly, nor does he strive for more anomaly types.

What he does want is to a global chance of n anomalies on a planet, with n>1. And this hasn't been suggested in this scope, so far.
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13 years ago
Jun 23, 2012, 9:50:49 AM
Nosferatiel wrote:
What he does want is to a global chance of n anomalies on a planet, with n>1. And this hasn't been suggested in this scope, so far.

Exactly. Even if I won't reccomend "n" number of anomamalies on a planet smiley: sarcastic

I think to have the CHANCE to have max 3 anomalies on the same planet would add realism in first place, and interesting combos on a second level.

It would imply to downgrade some anomalies effects perhaps: think of a planet with Irradiated; Toxic and Acid Rain would have a -60 happyness as of now. But you can definitely immagine it as a planet where some major disaster happend, or a planet with Ancient Ruins and Irradiated, you can think of it as planet where pleople wiped themselves out with a global war.

Again, I think that multiple anomalies would add some immersion and interesting colonizing and gameplay options (some planet you will avoid like hell, some you will declare war for).
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13 years ago
Jun 23, 2012, 4:02:54 PM
Nokta wrote:

It would imply to downgrade some anomalies effects perhaps: think of a planet with Irradiated; Toxic and Acid Rain would have a -60 happyness as of now. But you can definitely immagine it as a planet where some major disaster happend, or a planet with Ancient Ruins and Irradiated, you can think of it as planet where pleople wiped themselves out with a global war.

In this case, two anomalies could merge into a new one. The example with the Ancient Ruins and the Irradiated anomaly is a very good one to showcase this change. If, for example, the planet would spawn with more than one anomalies, they would fuse into a new one instead. Ancient Ruins+Irradiated might make a new one, say...Post-Apocalyptic, whereas Mineral Rich+Mineral Poor would auto suppress one each other and leave the planet with no Anomalies. A daunting job to come up with the justifications over this, but a very interesting addition nonetheless.
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13 years ago
Jun 23, 2012, 5:38:28 PM
I just tried playing with save file editing to see if I could force the game into a state where it was attempting to put two anomalies on one planet.

Currently it is rather robust in this regard and will either ignore multiple entries (resulting in no anomaly, due to a parsing error) or only leave the first (unused XML nodes).
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13 years ago
Jun 23, 2012, 7:49:16 PM
I like your idea, Nokta. You have my vote! smiley: approval

I do agree that there should be a limit to the number of anomalies. 3 sounds like a good number.
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13 years ago
Jun 24, 2012, 5:39:41 PM
Prophet wrote:
I do agree that there should be a limit to the number of anomalies. 3 sounds like a good number.

Ye, more would be a mess. It should be a chance, and a small one (I'm not really into anomalies spam smiley: wink) so most of planets would have just one or no anomalies at all, but in some rare occasions 2 or 3 anomalies would be possible.
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13 years ago
Jun 24, 2012, 7:14:34 PM
Nokta wrote:
Ye, more would be a mess. It should be a chance, and a small one (I'm not really into anomalies spam smiley: wink) so most of planets would have just one or no anomalies at all, but in some rare occasions 2 or 3 anomalies would be possible.

I agree. 3-anomaly worlds should be extremely rare. Given that, it would be nice if these worlds were highly prized. Maybe the 3rd anomaly is always a positive, possibly off a shortened list?
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