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[Suggestion] Fleets: Assault Points

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13 years ago
May 13, 2012, 3:55:05 PM
I've searched for any similar ideas but didn't found anything in the suggestion threads yet, so I'll just share my most recent idea. Actually it is very simple and explained in a few sentences unlike my other more detailed suggestions.

While the movement system is flawed and interception is commonly being demanded I've seen no one talking about the actual way of initiating combat in terms of how fleets which already attacked are tracked, as well as how often a fleet can attack. It feels wrong to have a fleet that can jump between 5 systems in one round, yet is only able to launch one attack each round and it is sometimes hard or even impossible to keep track of which fleets already attacked and which didn't. Especially if the enemy has a bunch of fleets in differing sizes in one system and each time you try to attack one specific fleet you get the wrong one because you can't select which enemy fleet to attack and thus have no other option than waiting and hoping for the next turn.

(To fix not being able to select which fleet to attack would be a suggestion as well but I'm certain it has been suggested many times already and thus I'm not gonna make it the topic here)


As mentioned in the thread title I suggest giving assault points to each fleet beside movement points. The Number of assault points would determine how often a fleet can attack each round as well as allowing the player to easily keep track of what each fleet did already to allow for faster and better organization and a more realistic combat system. The number of assault points could also be changed according to the types of ships in a fleet as well as through research.

I would suggest that the maximum of AP should 3 per fleet with upgrades, maybe 4 with a hero trait, in order not to unbalance the game. Starting with a base of 1 AP for all fleets, maybe 1 unlockable AP through science, and another one through ship modules or a specific type of ship.

Any feedback or other ideas?
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13 years ago
May 13, 2012, 3:59:16 PM
That does sound like a good idea, It is often annoying that your main armada can destroy only one enemy fleet per turn.
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13 years ago
May 15, 2012, 4:41:33 PM
Added an example and made some things easier to understand.
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13 years ago
May 16, 2012, 6:31:20 PM
I support this idea, having a fleet unable to assault more than one thing a turn makes stacking really annoying. Making it a trade between movement/assault could introduce interesting elements as well, with a bonus for the defender the first turn, depending on how far away the enemy fleet has jumped in from.
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13 years ago
Jun 24, 2012, 11:00:54 PM
This thread is the origin of discussions about one fleet being enabled to attack n fleets.

Other threads about this have been archived:


Feel free to post here about this topic here and inform yourself about the variations the threads listed above have already discussed, but don't open new suggestion threads for anything alike. smiley: wink
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13 years ago
Jun 25, 2012, 12:18:29 PM
Yes, feel free to post here if you have some more ideas on the topic.

Be advised though that the devs already wholeheartedly refused to implement this at all. So either they have a plan to show you which fleet attacked already, or you will forever have to guess which fleet you used already, which was the original reason and problem why I posted this suggestion.

As with all my suggestions though I consider modding it myself after the release.
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