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[UI] Make the invasion indicator easier to read

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13 years ago
Jun 25, 2012, 12:13:44 PM
I find it quite hard to tell how fast I'm invading a system, or even whether I'm making any progress at all in an invasion.

I think we want three main things for the invasion UI:

1. To see how far we've come in the invasion. The current system does this with a circle, but I wouldn't mind seeing a percentage, like "43% invaded".

2. To see how many turns the invasion will take to complete. "43% invaded, 3 turns to go".

3. To see how fast we're winning/losing. "43% invaded, 20% per turn, 3 turns to go".

Maybe the more detailed information could be accessed by mousing over the system, with just the number of turns remaining displayed by default.

So basically I want, "INVASION: 3" written over a system that's being invaded, with a mouse-over or click box to show me more details of the invasion.
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13 years ago
Jun 25, 2012, 4:09:47 PM
Good idea. Especially bothersome after leaving a fleet at a star system for a number of turns only to realize they have no chance of making progress (bar hasn't budged).
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