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[Suggestion] Reworking the Approval System

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13 years ago
May 14, 2012, 6:04:51 PM
As it currently stands I find the flat approval penalties (and bonuses) that are applied to systems are somewhat odd.

For example, there is a three planet system - two Medium Terran planets (no modifier), and a large asteroid belt (-20), and the two terran planets are full, with the asteroid belt sitting on 1 population. The two terran planets have a total of 10 "people" to the 1 of the asteroid belt, yet the asteroid belt still manages to drag the approval of the entire system down by the full 20. If we assume that the base approval is 50, this makes the entire system unhappy even though only ~9% of the people don't like where they are living.

I have been thinking about how the values could be altered, and came up with the below:

In this example we have a 5 planet system:

Large Lava Planet (3 slot), with High Gravity, and 1 "person"

-15 from planet, -10 from gravity (-25)

Tiny Desert Planet (3 slot), with Low Gravity and 3 "people"

-10 from planet, +10 from gravity (-)

Medium Asteroid Belt (2 slot), with 1 "person"

-20 from planet (-20)

Medium Arid (4 slot), with 1 "person"

-5 from planet (-5)

Medium Terran Planet (5 slot) with a Rich Atmosphere, and 4 "people"

+10 from Atmosphere (+10)

Normally this system would give you a negative approval of -40, quite a lot.

If the penalties or bonuses are calculated based upon the proportion and locations of people in the system, it would be a more representative system, for example:

1/10 is at -25, applying -2.5 to the system

1/10 is at -20, applying -2 to the system

1/10 is at -5, applying -0.5 to the system

3/19 are at 0, having no effect

4/10 are at +10, applying +4 to the system

This way the overall total approval is -1. Still not positive, but a whole lot better than -40, and it represents the actual population distribution in the system.

Of course, this would mean that the approval techs would need to be altered to bring them into line with the above, possibly through the creation of a 5th "resource", approval, on each planet that they plug directly into. E.g, infinite supermarkets adds 5 to the base approval on each planet - that would alter the above approval bonus to +4 (also happens to add 25 to the overall total, which is what it does in game smiley: smile). Balance will be interesting, as it stands I don't know how we would plug tax rate and overpopulation into the equation, and techs such as Colonial Rights already add directly per-planet, so I don't know how that would change.

An added benefit to this is stopping you being able to plop one "person" down on a planet with large bonuses to approval, and then cram as many "people" onto a hellish lava planet to get the production of that system up, without the populace getting understandably miffed by this.

I don't really know how viable a solution this would be implementation wise :P, maybe someone could enlighten me.
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13 years ago
Jun 16, 2012, 2:03:43 PM
This thread is the origin of discussions about changes to the approval system.

Other threads about this have been archived:








Feel free to post here about this topic here and inform yourself about the variations the threads listed above have already discussed, but don't open new suggestion threads for anything alike. smiley: wink
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13 years ago
Jun 25, 2012, 4:28:11 PM
Whoops. Missed this one, I posted a suggestion with the same considerations (thanks mods). I second this.
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