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Fleet Barrier Projectors

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13 years ago
Jun 30, 2012, 7:47:52 PM
A type of universal defense designed to protect all ships within a fleet.

Envisioned as a type of electro-magnetic wavefront, this module would project a barrier at an opposing fleet in-order to protect friendly ships from attack, the same size as most defenses but lacking in actual defensive power the advantage of the fleet barrier would be in it ability to be placed on all ships, allowing civilian ships and ships of the line to all add to the overall defensive potential of this module, giving specialized attack-defencive ships a role in overall fleet cohesion and allowing escort ships the ability to shield defenseless ships from attack for a limited time.

and once more combat modules like fighters and bombers are added to the game (Or something else?), they would act as the perfect counter to this device, as the barrier would be pointed one way and not where the smaller craft are.

if you have any questions or improvements to my idea please just ask! smiley: cool
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