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[Graphics] Lava Planet graphics could use some more discernible nuances?

I think it should change, but differently than your options and illustrations
Lighter surface more like Barren, with lava flows, and black "crust" around lava
Lighter surface more like Barren, just with lava flows (rightmost pic)
Still dark, but a bit lighter, surface, with lava flows, and black "crust" around lava (middle pic)
Still dark, but a bit lighter, surface, just with lava flows
I don't think it should change at all (leftmost pic)
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13 years ago
Jun 29, 2012, 9:37:11 AM
I like the dramatic intent for the Lava planets, but I find the chosen representation too simplified and single-themed compared to all the other planets and their detailing...too overwhelmingly "basalt black". I think the planet should look more like the Barren planet look away from the lava flows, with the basalt rock color forming a contrast crust around them, and allowing some planetary anomaly effects to be a more interesting visual standout on top of that.

Here is a contrast of 1) the current lava planet, 2) a sort of intermediary with some "crusting", 3) a simple blend of Barren and Lava.

I think it should have the "crusting" around the lava flows of "2", though perhaps tend towards more visible detail as in "3" (second option is what I consider to fit my preference).
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13 years ago
Jun 30, 2012, 5:06:57 PM
Never gave it a though but now that you raised it I think something small should be done to them, or at least including a few versions which don't look all the same. Not sure about just brightening them up though, there might be other ways to include details.
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13 years ago
Jun 30, 2012, 5:08:51 PM
Can you perhaps PM me all the vote options you want to have, exactly? I can edit the poll.
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13 years ago
Jun 30, 2012, 9:06:07 PM
Changed the poll to the OP's liking, reset the vote counters.
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13 years ago
Jun 30, 2012, 9:10:59 PM
Lava planets are a bit too dark if you ask me so I would go with the middle one for a minor chance to colors not anything radical like the rightmost pic
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