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Resource trade feedback/usability improvement

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13 years ago
Jun 25, 2012, 7:34:25 PM
I would like to see how many resources of a given type I have available when trading with them on the diplomacy screen. So rather than just a list of which ones are available (greyed out if I only have 1 is currently the only indicator), to show Hyperium - 2 (Hover display: 3 being recovered from colonies, 1 already being traded). This would also be very useful during quick notifications of trades being suggested by other factions during a turn. Another useful number in this situation would be 'number of resources available, but on uncolonized worlds'.

Increased clarity on the duration of these trades would also be much appreciated. (Certain number of turns? Indefinite? I guess you can look at how long a trade has been going on in the diplomacy history, does it / should it show a projected ending date?)

Also, (as an added 'would be nice to have' thing) hovering over the resource icons in the Empire screen could display (Total available in empire) - (Number being traded away) + (Number being received through trade)

Related threads:



P.S. - I am new here, and this is my first post (a friend bought me the game as a gift this weekend). Please forgive any mis-steps. =]
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13 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 1:37:41 PM
Renamed the thread to a more meaningful title.

This thread is the origin of discussions about improving the diplomatic resource trade usability/feedback.

Other threads about this have been archived:


Feel free to post here about this topic here and inform yourself about the variations the threads listed above have already discussed, but don't open new suggestion threads for anything alike. smiley: wink
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13 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 2:37:18 PM
a. Good point about giving the feedback on number of resources when the *AI* initiates a trade. All you can do is accept or reject with no information available right there. You can minimize the dialog, go to another screen, *write down* some numbers, and then go back; but that is not why we have graphical interfaces.

b. Most 4x games allow you to enter the full trade dialog from the AI initiated trade event popup, for example with a "counter-propose" button.

c. If we want to make this thread the origin for trade feedback bugs/suggestions, then I link this:


d. It is very distracting that when the AI agrees to a trade, you are dumped out of the trade dialog into the hologram room (where the other players holograms are shown). Every time this happens, I think the trade dialog has crashed and I lost the information. In all other games I have played, there is a confirmation line of dialog from the AI like, "Thanks! Is there any other trade you want to make?"
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13 years ago
Jun 30, 2012, 9:28:19 AM
Hey all,

Sorry to add on to this thread, but this issue confused me so much that I thought it was a bug with the diplomacy screen.

I agree with davea's suggestions, but i think the OPs point is pretty important. I really had no idea which resources i had available for trading, seeing that the empire overview window gives you what u own + what u have traded for. It got to a point where I traded all of one type of strategic resource away without realizing it. (empire overview showed me having 7 of said resources, but apparently all were traded "to" me :s if all those deals had gone bad I would have been left without that strategic resource)

Bascially, im thinking that there should also be a way to ID which resources are from your planets, and which are from trades. (maybe another number in brackets?) i think that would help ease the confusion a bit smiley: smile
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