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[Suggestion] Warn player if any build queue item takes forever to being build

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13 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 10:28:47 AM
Situation: You have set up a build queue with a dozen items and when the turn comes to item, say, 10 the build queue goes to 999 turns because you lost the system giving the needed strategical resource one turn ago. I mostly play on huge maps with many stars and therefore have a lot of systems giving them long build queues. If any of them get's to the point where it lasts forever to build the current item, there's no convenient way to notice this. Therefore I suggest a cumulated warning in the style of the "completed improvements" message showing all systems whose build queues are at 999 turns.

[Edit08-28-2012]This problem can also occur when the approval of one star system drops to zero or worse, maybe because of a recently founded new colony or a captured star system (expansion disapproval strikes hard sometimes).[/Edit]
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13 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 1:39:49 PM
I'd like that warning to be at the end of the turn only, since one often has the situation, that it's just a temporary block by some nuisance-fleet either only passing by or easily destroyed.
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13 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 2:03:21 PM
Sort of like how, if you have no research queued, the game stops you from ending turn with that alert?

I agree, something like this would be useful, especially in the late-game where you might have a lot of systems and miss the one system of yours that is being blockaded. Although, wouldn't this function ultimately be handled by the invasion/blockade alerts I think we're getting at the full release? You'd likely notice the loss of the resource with the blockade/invasion long before you lose the system.
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13 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 2:20:33 PM
FinalStrigon wrote:
Sort of like how, if you have no research queued, the game stops you from ending turn with that alert?

I agree, something like this would be useful, especially in the late-game where you might have a lot of systems and miss the one system of yours that is being blockaded. Although, wouldn't this function ultimately be handled by the invasion/blockade alerts I think we're getting at the full release? You'd likely notice the loss of the resource with the blockade/invasion long before you lose the system.

That doesn't mean you'd automatically remember the nth queued ship in system x that will not be started to be built in the next three turns since someone's blocking resource y.

It is a valid addition, I think.
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13 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 2:34:15 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
That doesn't mean you'd automatically remember the nth queued ship in system x that will not be started to be built in the next three turns since someone's blocking resource y.

It is a valid addition, I think.

I wasn't thinking so much of remember the nth queued ship in system X, as much as thinking that steps would be taken to prevent the system x loss, and thus resource y loss, from happening before it became an issue. But, I guess that wasn't the point, as should the system be lost...

Okay, nevermind. ^^;;
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13 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 5:34:15 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
I'd like that warning to be at the end of the turn only, since one often has the situation, that it's just a temporary block by some nuisance-fleet either only passing by or easily destroyed.

Yes, this would be fully sufficient.
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