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[Suggestion] Ringworld and Dyson Sphere

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13 years ago
Jul 3, 2012, 1:58:26 AM
A Ring world would take up 2+ spots on a planetary space, bigger ones take up more room and have large pop caps, and have a bonus to Production and science and negative to Dust and Food

Dyson would have all the spaces on a planetary system and have massive boosts to FPSD but double improvement costs, and allow huge populations

the builders could have a endgame level tech that they could make planetary systems ring worlds or Dyson sphere, my reasoning is that they were endless constructions, and the endless could have had the tech to build these

otherwise could add an option to add them as a randomly spawning planet type

i cant think of any more kinds, but if anyone else wants to suggest feel free
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13 years ago
Jul 3, 2012, 3:30:10 AM
I second this, if only for reason on logical scientific support.

Dyson spheres, especially, would be a logical step in the advancing of an intelligent, space-faring race. A fully sustained ecosystem with the engineered power of a star at its heart? These would make for extremely advantageous positions in any star system, more so as one progresses into deep space.

Militarily, artificial constructs are the best bet for strategic positioning in any system, with either a ring or sphere being a perfect staging area that would not have to rely on planetary or extra-planetary conditions to worry about.
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13 years ago
Jul 3, 2012, 7:02:54 PM
I'm not sure I should consider ring worlds/dyson spheres as similar to suggesting

  • Building whole planets
  • Star exploitation
  • Wonders and unique constructs
  • Special planet types only achievable by terraforming

  • [/list]

    The problem is simply, that almost all different variations have been proposed. The last dyson sphere proposal was archived as similar to star exploitation, because it was actually lenghtily explained that it was intended for that very purpose. Here I'm not sure what it is most alike to. Maybe a kind of unique construct, since it replaces the whole system?
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    13 years ago
    Jul 3, 2012, 7:15:42 PM
    Nosferatiel wrote:
    I'm not sure I should consider ring worlds/dyson spheres as similar to suggesting

  • Building whole planets
  • Star exploitation
  • Wonders and unique constructs
  • Special planet types only achievable by terraforming

  • [/list]

    The problem is simply, that almost all different variations have been proposed. The last dyson sphere proposal was archived as similar to star exploitation, because it was actually lenghtily explained that it was intended for that very purpose. Here I'm not sure what it is most alike to. Maybe a kind of unique construct, since it replaces the whole system?

    I'd say ring world/dyson spheres (as they seem to be suggested in this thread) are in the same vein as 1. and 3. The OP sounds like he intends to build an entirely new planet in a system (or replacing the system with one of these, so...system transformation?), while Anu92 seems to be suggesting something along the lines of massive...space stations, almost.
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    13 years ago
    Jul 4, 2012, 1:31:14 AM
    Nosferatiel wrote:
    I'm not sure I should consider ring worlds/dyson spheres as similar to suggesting

  • Building whole planets
  • Star exploitation
  • Wonders and unique constructs
  • Special planet types only achievable by terraforming

  • [/list]

    The problem is simply, that almost all different variations have been proposed. The last dyson sphere proposal was archived as similar to star exploitation, because it was actually lenghtily explained that it was intended for that very purpose. Here I'm not sure what it is most alike to. Maybe a kind of unique construct, since it replaces the whole system?

    it could fall under all of the options

    my intention was to have it be a randomly seedable star type as the only way for low tech factions to build, and the higher tech factions could transform their stars into Dyson spheres. they would count as a wonder(seeing as it takes a massive amount of time and effort to design and build, as well as being of the highest tech level) and it would be a solar level terraforming project. the number of planets and the size of said planets would determine the size of the sphere. it would take a colossal ammount of production to make, would 5000 be a good guesstimate, and cost a large ammout of dust, but it would have high Defensive strength, great production of FPSD, and high pop
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    13 years ago
    Jul 4, 2012, 3:20:22 AM
    Th3fallen1 wrote:
    ... it would be a solar level terraforming project. the number of planets and the size of said planets would determine the size of the sphere. it would take a colossal ammount of production to make, would 5000 be a good guesstimate, and cost a large ammout of dust, but it would have high Defensive strength, great production of FPSD, and high pop

    If put into the game this is the only thing that makes any sense, for either a Ring World or a Dyson sphere.
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    13 years ago
    Jul 4, 2012, 4:55:07 AM
    Considering the amount of system wide infrastructure you build in a game, it could be safe to assume you essentially build basic ring worlds all of the time, but not like the utopian ones you see in halo, i'm talking dirty fog spewing industry stations!
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    13 years ago
    Jul 5, 2012, 11:25:47 PM
    i like and approve of this idea, but wouldnt a dyson sphere be a star of itself rather than a planet inside a star system?
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    13 years ago
    Jul 5, 2012, 11:28:05 PM
    Necro- wrote:
    i like and approve of this idea, but wouldnt a dyson sphere be a star of itself rather than a planet inside a star system?

    Yes, a Dyson sphere would also kill all life in a system.
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