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Technical Perfection

Definitely Should Be Included Into The Game
Should NOT Be Included Into The Game
Not Sure, Might Be Something Interesting
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13 years ago
Jul 7, 2012, 12:14:24 AM
My suggestion is for implementing technical perfection into the game. What I mean by that is to expand the tech tree by making certain technologies, such as weapons tech, able to be researched multiple times, with each time granting improvements or increased bonuses.

One way that I thought would work well for Endless Space is that when a tech is researched for the first time there is a random number roll say between 0 and 9, now if the result of that roll is 3, then one could research that specific tech 3 more times to get increasing bonuses, along with an attendant cost in research points.

Technologies lower on the tree would have higher perfection ability like 0 to 19, and technologies higher on the tree might only have something like 0 to 4, because they are much more complex.

This could also lead to more definition of the different factions, such as some can research weapons to higher levels, while others will be able to research diplomatic or economic tech to higher levels.

It could work through traits that modify the rolls, so say a faction has a trait that adds +2 to their rolls and they roll a 5, through that +2 trait they would end with a 7, so basically they would be able to research that specific tech up to 7 times before they reached technical perfection.

Hopefully I explained the idea clear enough, as I think it will make the game more interesting and make increase the replayability of it.
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