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Make strategic resources prerequisite to more components/improvements

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13 years ago
Jul 7, 2012, 2:34:55 PM
Maybe this is an oversight or I'm missing something, but Titanium-70 is a requirement for basic missile construction, as is Hyperium for basic beams. But only the first stage: I presume the purpose of this measure is purely to prevent races from using those weapons too early. However, I believe this requirement should be maintained throughout further upgrades, maybe changing to more advanced resources in the higher levels.

That's perhaps the main example, but I feel strategic resources are underused in general. Most post-early components and improvements should require one type or another, to spice things up a bit and create a higher need to trade and look out for those resources. Militarily, knowing which items need which resource would allow you to have more precise strategic objectives against the enemy's logistics. Does your adversary use beams too much? Target his Hyperium infrastructure. Are his planets too resistant to invasion due to defense improvements? Target his Hexxaferrum sources* (academic example, I don't have the tech tree at hand right now).

What do you guys think?

*In the face of a related resource shortage, aside from being unable to build new ones, existing system improvements could suffer a penalty to their performance.
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13 years ago
Jul 7, 2012, 4:52:52 PM
Well, no, that's only the main example of my suggestion, which indeed argues for more widespread use of strategic resources... smiley: alder
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13 years ago
Jul 7, 2012, 4:56:18 PM
LordShadow wrote:
Well, no, that's only the main example of my suggestion, which indeed argues for more widespread use of strategic resources... smiley: alder

Okay, I removed the "weapon". Now it's general.
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