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Campain mode with Victory Conditions

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13 years ago
May 6, 2012, 8:04:19 AM
It would be great to have single/multiplayer Campain missions at all levels of play with some sort of Victory condition like Domination, Conquest, Economic and Research.
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13 years ago
Jul 6, 2012, 1:29:37 PM
I think a whole campaign mode would be great.

For example you are playing the Craver and start with exploring the Galaxy to get more Food and you get in contact with another race and there big space where you have to take planet by planet. Or something like this smiley: smile
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13 years ago
Jul 7, 2012, 5:02:25 PM
This thread is the origin of discussions about a campaign mode with different scenarios and preset victory conditions.

Other threads about this have been archived:


Feel free to post here about this topic here and inform yourself about the variations the threads listed above have already discussed, but don't open new suggestion threads for anything alike. smiley: wink
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