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Battle Modifier depending on Star Systems

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13 years ago
Jul 4, 2012, 10:21:58 AM
My English isn't that good. Thats why I will keep it short.

After reading over the forum I saw many discussions about the mono-hull problematic (There is already a long thread with many good ideas about it, so this shall not be the point of this topic.) and the spam of a single 'best' fitting for a ship class. I thought about the latter and got an idea I want to explain now.

I think a certain amount of systems in every game (let's say ~60%, just to have a number to start with) should get a 'Battle Modifier'. This Modifiers are different from system to system and give certain positive and negative effects at fleets and ships in battle. You can uncover the Battle Modifier of every system just by jumping in with a ship.

Some Examples (just off the cuff, don't nail me down on it):

Strong Solar Winds

-15% Torpedo Accuracy

Magnetic Field

+10% Deflection

-5% Kinetic Damage, -10 Kinetic Accuracy


-10% Lazer Weapon Damage

Floating Debris

-10% Accuracy on long and mid range

+15% repair efficiency


a certain amount of damage every battle phase cuz collisions with asteroids

-15% Accuracy

Strong Energetic Field

+5% Lazer Weapon Damage

No retreat card cuz disrupted FTL drive

This modifiers would force the player to adapt his ships to the battlefield and/or use ships which are equipped with a wide variety of weapons and defense systems. Also this aspect would expand the exploration part of this game. You have to practice reconnaissance before you send your fleet on a 'crusade' through the systems of your enemy.

Pls keep in mind that this is just an idea and not a full elaborated concept. Also I know that the full release of the game will be today (I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.), but I think my idea could advance the battle mechanics a lot on a simple to implement way even as post release change.


I wasn't able to create tags for this thread. Is this right? Oo...
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13 years ago
Jul 7, 2012, 9:18:47 AM
I love your ideas! Exspecially this one:


a certain amount of damage every battle phase cuz collisions with asteroids

-15% Accuracy

Even though I would change one thing: The Damage should be applied just to big ships like Dreadnaughts or Destroyer! Thus would make it more interessting to have a fleet of small ships - making defense in an Asteroid-System very more interesting against big ships.

I would absolutly like this idea, because it would modify battletactics. Right now, I usually have ONE Fleet constelation, which is usually able to fight all other constellations effectivly, by just using 2-4 cards (allways the same!). And even though I have to modify the constelation for diffrent enemy (just sometimes), there is still more potential for variaty and changing tactics ingame.

So jeah, absolutely LIKE! smiley: approvalsmiley: approvalsmiley: approval A MUST HAVE in my opinion. I'm missing battlefield modifiers in many games - or bad surprises. smiley: twisted
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13 years ago
Jul 7, 2012, 4:43:10 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
Okay with me, if you make a tooltip on the systems before entering them to show you what's lurking, there.

Of course. Otherwise this would turn battles into roulette. The idea is to bring/force more tactical variety at the game.
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13 years ago
Jul 7, 2012, 4:46:52 PM
Luxor wrote:

I wasn't able to create tags for this thread. Is this right? Oo...

You cannot create new tags, only use already included ones, as a normal user.

I put a few tags on your thread, now. smiley: wink
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13 years ago
Jul 7, 2012, 4:49:48 PM
Cool idea but I'd like to see combat expanded on in other ways before this. These effects are nice but as it stands I rarely see combat leave the long range phase, I think that needs to be addressed first.
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13 years ago
Jul 7, 2012, 7:33:28 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
You cannot create new tags, only use already included ones, as a normal user.

Oh okay. Seems uncommon to me, but makes some sense.^^

Thomas.Trainor wrote:
Cool idea but I'd like to see combat expanded on in other ways before this. These effects are nice but as it stands I rarely see combat leave the long range phase, I think that needs to be addressed first.

Ultimately my idea addresses exactly this (among other things).

Let's say you fight in a system where you get a -15% malus at rocket accuracy and a +10% bonus at shield absorption. In this case you have to go at short range and use kinetic weapons cuz your rockets and lasers are nearly useless (especially if your enemy plays the right cards and has a decent defense).

This is of course just one possible effect...
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13 years ago
Jul 7, 2012, 7:36:23 PM
Luxor wrote:
Oh okay. Seems uncommon to me, but makes some sense.^^

Ultimately my idea addresses exactly this (among other things).

Let's say you fight in a system where you get a -15% malus at rocket accuracy and a +10% bonus at shield absorption. In this case you have to go at short range and use kinetic weapons cuz your rockets and lasers are nearly useless (especially if your enemy plays the right cards and has a decent defense).

This is of course just one possible effect...

I understand better now. You are not talking about random space weather but persistent effects on the systems. I like this idea even more then smiley: approval
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13 years ago
Jul 7, 2012, 9:16:29 PM
Seems ok, as long as the effect number stay low (15% and lower) due to the ramifications of a drawn out war for a 20+ type of system.

Could the player also construct possible modifiers to this? like +5% defenses value via the 'Systems cartography' improvement?
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