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Some suggestions mostly for interface

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13 years ago
Jul 8, 2012, 3:44:42 PM
Really enjoying the game. Love strategy games. These are my suggestions:

System View Screen:

The planet tilting effect is nice but is very distracting to me and gets in the way of doing things and I'll rather be without it. Have an Option to disable it.

Include or have an Option to display the Empire total resource generation/population/approval also not just the System.

Allow the 3 lists at the bottom to contain more rows and columns for people with high res monitors (I am using 1920 x 1080) so as not to have to scroll so much plus using more of the available space with high res.

Galaxy Map Screen:

More information for ships traveling. What their destination and ETA is. A way that displays the ETA while making (before) the move choice would also be nice.

For my screen res the Planets information overlay rectangle automatic switching of states when zooming could have been extended 2 more for all stages.

I find the overlay very useful but it kept going away by stages when I zoomed out even though I still wanted it on. The stages switching is ok but should be extended for hi res.

Add an icon to the overlay showing total System ships strength and allow for clicking the icon and display the System fleet information.

Display a warning on planets that had population increased and what the total system pop is now.

On the top left were the Dust value is shown add the next turn revenue info to it without having to hover over it.

Ship Design Screen:

To be able to retrofit ship designs with another that uses the same class but has different prefix.

Display the added ship components icons in the Selected Mods list the same way they are displayed on the Available Modules list with Tonnage and MP.


To add the battle Actions used on the battle summary, both for manual and auto combat.

Add planet size to the Empire Management list.

On the Research Management screen display the total sum to completion of all queued items.

If I select a ship from Hangar and choose a destination automatically enable the ship without having to create.

To be able to adjust Systems Tax rates plus_minus 10 % from Empire tax rate.

To be able to setup keyboard/mouse shortcuts for menus/actions, etc.

To be able to always select Free Camera for battles in Options.

To have a System log of at least the last 5-10 turns to be able to review actions/warnings/battles.
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13 years ago
Jul 8, 2012, 10:17:06 PM
I'm going to tack my own suggestions onto this thread since I also have some similar experiences with the interface overall.

Issue 1: End Turn button should "ALWAYS" be visible in the bottom corner regardless of view type. There are a variety of reasons why someone would be focusing on a system vs a planet vs the master empire screen vs the galaxy screen. You should always be able to end your turn from any of these screens since it is a primary game mechanic.

Issue 2: Zoom metaphor is not consistent across the different screen layers (aka: I don't like the 'close' button in the corner and how navigating to different screens makes the close button act more like a 'back to previously viewed screen' vs a zoom mechanism that consistently moves between various galaxy->system->planet detail examination. I suggest that scrolling in might 'pause' momentarily, then continue zooming into the closer detail or farther detail information screens. Think 'Sins of a Solar Empire' but obviously not the same type of infinite zoom detail, etc.

Issue 3: Make the 'planet' detail screen just an information-only screen. The construction metaphor is inconsistent since the 'system' controls production, yet there is 'Exploitation' and 'Survey' as possible buttons to press within the planet detail screen. This forces micromanagement, and I vote these get moved to a context menu in the 'system' display.

Issue 4: Examine details of enemy fleet. Perhaps I'm not doing something right, but my reason for posting this is that I cannot view the 'details' of a fleet other than the symbolic numerical combat and power ratings of a fleet in-system. I would vote for a way to zoom into the 'fleet' level to see the ships and their capabilities in greater detail. (not as huge a problem, maybe I just suck at combat and planning combat).

Issue 5: Additional details visible on the galaxy level. Suggest showing speed of population growth, rate of dust generation, happiness-at-a-glance (Think GalCiv 2's status icons). Also prevent your icons from completely disappearing if you zoom too far out. It gets hard to manage your empire if you zoom too far out.

Issue 6: Heros are too few in number and capability. I began a game where all three were exceptional pilots but I needed administrators. There should be a larger pool at very least (or an expensive means of retraining a candidate...)

Suggestion 7: Stats, stats, stats stats. Another massive advantage of GalCiv is it's virtually endless selection of graphs and galactic statistics. I LOVE the context hovers of planets, galaxy, I suggest micro-graphs that show history and predictive future progress of system/planets. Possibly also adding these micrographs to the empire screen to see more general info at-a-glance.

In general, I LOVE this game, Love it so much I wish it to be perfect. smiley: smilea
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13 years ago
Jul 8, 2012, 11:10:59 PM
1. Make use of the right mouse button... it would help streamline the interface a lot.

2. In the fleet overview screen, make a second tab for hangars, so I can retrofit ships in hangars without needing to create a fleet first, only to dismiss it a moment later

3. In every info popup (invasion, moon explored, etc.) there should be a "Go to" button, apart from Dismiss and Minimize, which centers the screen on the system that the event takes place in.

4. The trade dialog needs more detailed tooltips on what technologies and resources do (and how much of the latter the player has in stock). Currently, I need to check the Empire screen or Research screen to see what is being offfered.

4a. This also applies to information about newly discovered resources (when an appropriate tech is discovered) - I expect to know what a given resource does when I hover my cursor over its name.
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13 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 11:49:44 AM
The zoom-factor on smaller map-sizes is strange.

At the furthest zoom where you can still see all information of a system, the systems are like half a screen away from each other.

This results in having to scroll around the map a lot where you could easily have the whole map on one screen without overlapping.

I think it should scale by the minimum travel-distance and not by the galaxy-size!

As in: systems should be displayed as close together as they can without overlapping.
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13 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 3:44:50 PM
costi wrote:

3. In every info popup (invasion, moon explored, etc.) there should be a "Go to" button, apart from Dismiss and Minimize, which centers the screen on the system that the event takes place in.

This is already present, though perhaps not intuitively. When the notification window is up in the center of the screen, there is a section of it which you can click to zoom to the system. For example, if you discover a temple, clicking the temple's icon/name panel will take you to the system. Clicking a panel in the invasion notification will similarly do so...
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