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Change guard to intercept mechanics to reduce micromanagement

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13 years ago
Jul 8, 2012, 4:11:35 PM
Overall, Star Trek: Birth of the Federation was a disappointment -- not terrible, but mediocre. There were some elements I really liked; one of them was the ability to place ships on "Intercept" -- they would automatically intercept and attack any enemy fleet that entered into their combat range. This helped reduce micromanagement tedium, by enabling a few fast ships to protect an area within their range. While BOTF used tiles (which I thought was lackluster, especially given it followed Master of Orion II by a couple years) instead of free star system movement, I think it could still work for a star lane/free movement system like Endless Space and could help reduce, just a bit, some of the micromanagement.

It basically just works by putting a fleet on "Intercept" when in a star system ... based on the fleet's movement points (which could give an extra boost of usefulness to engine modules, as the cost of space can be made up for by being able to control a larger area without having to micromanage), the fleet will then automatically intercept the first hostile fleet to enter its range. Yes, I know that can be exploited especially in multiplayer, make a weak scout enter the range of an Intercept-missioned fleet (with simultaneous moves, not sure how this could be alleviated ... maybe instead of the first, it picks the strongest fleet to intercept and executes combat during end of turn processing), eating its combat, but I think it can still reduce micromanagement and thus make the game a bit more fun.
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13 years ago
Jul 8, 2012, 7:29:21 PM
Have you found the intercept button in Endless Space? It prevents enemy ships from leaving the system. You cannot extend this to multiple systems, but it is the same idea.
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13 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 2:23:58 AM
You mean "Guard" which doesn't even work all the time. Intercept would eliminate the need to leave a ship behind to guard (and guarding doesn't always work anyway, as I mentioned -- the AI can go past a system with a ship on Guard).
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13 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 3:32:51 AM
In game, the button is called "intercept". If you feel it works inconsistently, please post a savegame with a reproducible example. Several people have tried. This does not mean there is no bug, it means we have not proven one yet.
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13 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 8:11:01 PM
Moved to the right section, please post suggestions only in the proposals section. Renamed title.
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