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Scroll wheel moves between UI layers

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13 years ago
Jul 10, 2012, 1:36:52 AM
I noticed today that I spent a significant amount of time navigating between layers of windows:

Start in galaxy view, click a system to open it, click a planet to interact with it, find the close button in the corner to move back to the system view, find the close button in the corner to go back to galaxy view, repeat for every system... (you can even add another layer by using the empire window to sort your systems)

One tool that would vastly speed the process for me would be to bind these functions to the mouse scroll wheel.

The simplest would be binding scroll-back to "close" in any window that doesn't use it for zoom functionality. Perhaps scroll-forward can operate as a left-click when the cursor is hovering over an element (system/planet/button) that opens another UI window. I would greatly appreciate it if you could smoothly zoom from the galaxy view down to an individual planet, then back out, in this way.

Do others share this experience, or like this suggestion?

EDIT: The wonderful Modley has pointed out below that right-clicks are bound to closing windows. If the scroll wheel could also do this, it would be a nice touch. But since it would be duplicating an existing function, it's certainly a low-priority to change.
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13 years ago
Jul 10, 2012, 1:45:12 AM
if i understand ur issue , there s the "right click" on layers gets u on the previous one.
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13 years ago
Jul 10, 2012, 1:48:21 AM
Ah! Excellent. I love little features like that. It wasn't intuitive to me, but now that you've mentioned it, it works perfectly.

It would be interesting if the scroll wheel did double duty, but if it's just replicating another feature I'll concede it's low priority.
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