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Space combat, Class & Skills

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13 years ago
Jul 11, 2012, 11:17:28 AM
I don't know if a thread was created for this already and if so forgive my laziness lol but I would like to see some new types of vessles introduced, The Scout,Colony ship,Destroyer,Battleship and Dreadnaught are okay but what about :

- Carriers - The best way I see to introduce carriers would be thru a Fighter bay Support moduel

- Frigates - Right now everyone starts with 3 ships, Colony,Scout and Patrol, but Two of those are the same design, I would love to see a early vessle introduced to sort of breach the gap between scout design and destroyer

Other ideas I had for additonal space actions include - Mines, a ship equipped with these could use them in a defense trap to protect a sector, much like the plantery weapons aren't used in combat but still incress your MP so would the mines.

On that not leads to my other suggestion, I know we have heros and ships level up but could we maybe get some benfits more then the .5 precent in every category that seems to be all we get for lvling a fleet, I mean a Unique Skill choice every 5 fleet levels I think would be nice. I dunno how the rest of the community feels about that and I know the Hissho (think thats the spelling) have their wargames so they could exploit this but still a unique fleet ability would be nice to see.

Maybe I have been spoiled from years of playing battlefleet gothic and really want that to come to computers i dunno, lol but these are only suggestions and I would love to see the other players opinions on my ideas or any they have to add to this list
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13 years ago
Jul 11, 2012, 11:37:06 AM
Small fighter crafts flying around during the fights would be cool.
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13 years ago
Jul 11, 2012, 12:30:21 PM
For future references, please check the rules for this proposal forum (/#/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/13097-proposal-submission-rules). Limit to one idea/suggestion per thread is appreciated by the moderators.

Carriers have been suggested before, and there have been a series of debates of people arguing for and against them. Personally, I don't want to see carrier (and thus fighters) in the game. They're an unrealistic, unneeded element of space combat that are just popular because of Hollywood. Other ship hulls (like frigate) have also been suggested, and I think the devs have plans to include more kinds of ships later on in the game.

Mines are fairly useless in space. Their kind of small, so you would need a lot, and they would drift out of position fairly quickly once you set up the minefield. Now, I suppose they could be advanced mine that have mini-engines to keep themselves in position, but where do you put them? If you put them at the ends of strings, you could very well mine your own ships. And if they're anywhere else an enemy fleet could detect them with scan upon reaching the system, and promptly avoid/destroy them. Other planetary defenses have also been suggested, and I think the devs are working on this one too (in terms of defense stations, weapon platforms, etc).

For the final idea...Hmm...If battle cards weren't unlocked through research, I'd say this would be the perfect way to get new ones. It would encourage players to keep fleets alive and leveled, so that they have access to stronger cards. It's an interesting thought, but I'm not sure what these skills could be. Brainstorming is always fun, though smiley: wink
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13 years ago
Jul 11, 2012, 12:54:24 PM
FinalStrigon wrote:
They're an unrealistic, unneeded element of space combat that are just popular because of Hollywood.

I would be interested in hearing your arguments about this.
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13 years ago
Jul 11, 2012, 1:14:09 PM
Spero42 wrote:
I would be interested in hearing your arguments about this.

I'll dig up some of the debate threads to point you towards, as taking this off topic I'm sure will get an angry Nosferatiel on my tail. ^^;; Until then, check the link in my signature titled 'Why Having Fighters and Carriers in Space Makes No Sense."
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13 years ago
Jul 11, 2012, 1:53:26 PM
Hmm. I'm both for and against fighters. Not really fussed as I like bigger ships slogging it out, but I think battles should have more variation so sometimes they are at a distance, cruising along like they are currently, and sometimes I think they should mingle and the smaller of the ships could zip around a little more.

My main thing is variation in weapons. They all look the same and quite big and blurry when the centre of them could be smaller and brighter and the projectiles could have a more animated look going on, like a flickering.
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13 years ago
Jul 11, 2012, 1:56:44 PM
Kinetics could look a lot better with more tracers.

Infact why do all of the weapons travel so slowly, they never seem to travel fast enough for my taste.
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