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Use heroes according to their roles as AI governors for planets/fleets/etc

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13 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 11:50:39 PM
So, you're in aan Empire, and for some reason, you're the only person capable of pushing the buttons and being able to respond to anything.

Ie: Your entire population are in virtual comas.

Yes, the micro-management game that we constantly get on these tactical strategy Empire-builder games. Sure, you might have some limited breathing space, by having (in Endless Spaces case), the ability to let the systems build things automatically as they come. (Which is helpful).

But I can't get my 'heroes' to do any sort of indepentant thinking. Why wouldn't I have one assigned as an Admiral be able to call the shots as to what ships are being built, and what is being upgraded on each class? Why can't my system colony manager decide when things need to take an agressive stance, or just go passive?

What's my point: We get these 'unique heroes' right? Well why can't they (based on their backstory and stats) influence colonies and/or fleets they are assigned to based on what their RP (Role Playing) cards would do? More then +20 to this, or 3 starting points on WIT, etc. I mean dictating actions based on personality factored from the hero cards.

No, this is not related to the subject of them being selected as the rulers/leaders dead horse subject. I'm just attempting to get another way of easing the micro-management system that always sucks in these games. I'd also be keen to get some 'flavour' involved with our heroes that actually makes their selection mean more then just a number stance. (Example: The Hisso hero I pick up has a backstory of wanting to do more then war on the battlefield, but war on the corporate front. If I bought 'her/him', perhaps the stats of being more into economics would shape that systems or fleets growth, more then just whatever I click on a button. Maybe hero 1's fleet is more defensive and is upgraded with heavy shielding, while hero 2's fleet is agressive and is moutning mostly heavy weapons.

Maybe the hero I put on system 'blank', is more cautious and a better defender then grower. Perhaps the hero on another system is a gung-ho scientist and pushes those areas more strongly.

Bear in-mind that I (the player) didn't have to take some random amount of time to do this each round. The AI/Hero was influencing and doing it on it's own accord. Nor did I have to make the selection on the side for the colony (and I have to do the ship-design all by myself, which is micro management hell, so that's not an option....or could it be?) <---Side subject, auto imporvement selection for ships, like we have for solar systems?

And of course you can have this optional. For those who are nitpicky and actually think micro-management is how things work. :P

Thoughts? Did I even make this understandable? smiley: lol.png" alt="smiley: smiley: lol" title="smiley: lol" />.
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13 years ago
Jul 10, 2012, 12:12:37 AM
Almost. But this has to do more with space and ships/fleets as well, which is totally untouchable by anythign other then lousy micromangement.

Plus, I'm keen to get heroes more involved akin to a 'I picked this one because I like the idea of an Scientist Hisso, admiraling my fleet.' or a Hisso who isn't strong with MELEE or OFENCE/DEFENCE for a system.

(Sorry just uing them as an example, I'm keen on non sterotypical species hero cards.)
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13 years ago
Jul 11, 2012, 2:31:31 PM
Moved to the right section for proposals.

Renamed the title.
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