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Fix "AI combat stall by repeated end of turn"-exploit

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13 years ago
Jul 10, 2012, 2:15:14 AM
When I'm fighting the AI, and say I move a fleet to invade a planet and then the AI moves 15 fleets to defend it. It starts attacking 1 fleet at a time, but if I end turn he can't attack again till beginning of the next turn. But I can keep ending turns, he'll only get at most 1 fight in each turn and I'll eventually take the planet because I'm denying the AI from destroying my fleets.

If you end turn and the AI wanted to still move/attack, it should do so before the start of the next turn. All combat should be auto resolved at that point, to prevent players from abusing this vulnerability in the AI. Or possibly make the end of turn button be a 'ready to end turn' button, and only end the turn if the AI is also ready to end the turn.
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13 years ago
Jul 10, 2012, 3:13:46 AM
These are good suggestions, so I am moving this out of the bug reporting forum into the suggestion reporting forum. Please look around in your new location, and read through the similar complaints / suggestions.
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13 years ago
Jul 10, 2012, 6:47:55 AM
Oooh, I'll have to try this against those blasted pirates that seem to materialize in front of my colony ships....
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13 years ago
Jul 11, 2012, 2:02:39 PM
Moved to the right section. @Davea: Please don't move suggestions to the discussion, but directly to the proposals. smiley: stickouttongue

Anyways, edited the title.
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13 years ago
Jul 11, 2012, 3:24:45 PM
Personally, I think this needs to be discussed, because I don't think this helps. If I click end turn, I am giving up my ability to do anything this turn, obviously. Does this really prevent the AI from completing their turn? Suppose I do the same thing in MP. Does this really prevent other human players from doing anything? I don't think it does. So, is this even a correct report?

Suppose it is correct, and AI players are prevented from doing anything once you end your turn. Then, they will do whatever they wanted at the start of their next turn. So it is just delaying something, not preventing something. If the human player feels it is worthwhile to immediately click end turn at the start of the next turn, that means the human player is not doing *anything* during their turn.

If we can demonstrate that the AI is prevented from doing things when you end turn, but MP players are not prevented, then we should move this back to the bug forum. Perhaps I did not understand well enough when I moved it out of bugs before.
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