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UI improvement: Enlarge star clickable area/Fleet movement preview

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13 years ago
Jul 11, 2012, 12:03:59 PM
Just started playing and had one small issue that jumped out immediately:

When trying to move fleets from a system to an uncharted system, the interact-able size of the target star system is often too small to right-click on accurately, unless zoomed in. I have had to occasionally spend several seconds massaging my mouse cursor over a small star to get it to work.

Adding some way to scale the size of the star click-area with zoom level would be the best solution. Perhaps a UI element similar to the circle connecting the string lanes in explored systems, but only visible on mouse over?

Also, the automatic pathing of fleets making multiple star moves when more than one possible path (sometimes not obviously different in length) could stand to have some kind of preview option. When you select a fleet, mousing over -any- valid move destination should show a preview (dotted movement line, like when the ships are actually moving) indicating how many turns to reach the star (via length) and what path will be used.

Could even add in a red (impossible move) path color when trying to use a wormhole without required technology! Which would be better than the blank stare I get from the UI at the moment... smiley: cool

Small details, but definitely worth some polish smiley: cool

Great game! Looking forward to seeing it evolve.
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13 years ago
Jul 11, 2012, 2:32:14 PM
If you hold RMB and sweep it around it will show you a preview route; release to start the move or release on empty space to cancel. When you reach non-star lane travel tech it can be a pain, sometimes impossible, to force a direct route.
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13 years ago
Jul 11, 2012, 5:01:55 PM
Yeah, if I could hover over from zoomed out to get a full size system HUD that would be ideal.
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