Dear Players and Developers...

After 50+ hour gaming, i have found game very linear, without real strategic choices.

Different faction dont mean big differencies in game play, and not enough fun for replayabilty.

A bit here, bit there...but all games is basicaly same, and this way...very soon goes boring.

I think, this linearity came from the fact, where star systems is mostly same. Player dont need to much brain, what need to build, or what not. In this form, it miss strategic elements. This reason, i suppose a new layer for system building.

Idea not new, tons of other strategy game use this. First new thing is SLOT. All planet in system provide free slot, 1 for tiny and small, 2 medium/large, 3 huge, ateroids and gas planet zero. This slots summing for system, and give ability to build something special there. These special building maybe came from tech tree, but not neccesary. 5 type of special building will be in game, all have 3 level. First level cost 1 slot, second level 2, but need to be builded level1, and level 3 cost 4 slot, but only 1 allowed empire wide and required lower level building in same system. (for level 3 spec you need 7 slot...1+2+4)

These building provide very significant advantage in own category. Type is: industry, economy, technology, military, system defense.


Level 1 industrial: Deep core mine...+100% strategic resource, +25% industry, upkeep cost 25/turn

Level 2: MegaFactory...+50% industry, +25% for each strat resource in sytem, 50/turn

Level 3: StarFactory...+100% industry, +10% empire wide industry bonus, 100/turn (only 1 allowed)

Economy and technology class will be very similar like above.

System defense add strong and active self defense for system.

Military building will be little bit different. These provide +CP bonus for empire. These building will be neccesary for fleets. I will show later why.

Colony base allways use 1 slot, and provide basic FIDS, and +10CP for empire.

Capital use 1 slot, same like a colony base, but provide +20CP.

CP cap is same on fleet as in actual gameplay. But...there will be an EMPIRE CP CAP. It mean, empire wide ship limit, stopping endless ship things. In advance in game, player can build military spec building on systems, and can rise this limit higher and higher.

It will be nice thing, and need serius balance of course, numbers there are only for represent idea. I think, this way each system can be a special, important for player, give more uniq feeling, better replaying factor, wider strategic choises. Paralel with this, each faction should have something very special thing for slots. Examp: Hisho get WeaponTestCenter, provide -2% research cost for military tree (commulative). Etc etc etc

Discussion open. smiley: smile

(sorry my bad not native)