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Suggestion: Destroy colonies instead of invanding then

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13 years ago
Jul 11, 2012, 2:09:14 AM
Hello everyone,

I believe there should be an option when attacking a system with your fleet to destroy the colonies instead of invanding and assimilating then to your empire, in a way that is similar to the way it worked on Master of Orion.

Sometimes the AI colonizes some "crap" systems that I simply don't want to assimilate to my empire or I just want to kill their inhabitants and destroy theirs buildings and not worry about that system anymore.

The idea I have would go like:

10 turns to assimilate system = 6 turns to destroy system

I believe there is much more to it than just what I wrote above, but I'm not I'm my assertive mood today...

What do you guys think about it?
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13 years ago
Jul 11, 2012, 3:20:00 AM
This is a good idea and I have thought about it myself, but maybe it should be a random chance. Who is to say what is going to be remaining after an invasion. If there is a civilian population, then you should let them assimilate rather than decimate all survivors.

Maybe the total food at the system including the food increasing improvements could be considered as a colony survivability index during an invasion.
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13 years ago
Jul 11, 2012, 3:40:40 AM
Seconded to the OP, this would be nice. It would also be nice to make some systems uninhabitable unless the other players have researched the appropriate tech to restore them, I'd also love to create singularities on the map near certain systems to restrict enemy movement... things for the future.
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13 years ago
Jul 11, 2012, 4:55:26 AM
I have never really got the understanding of the invasions. I will do the invasion options but then my ship just sits there for awhile. Is it like a certain amount of turns you need to wait for it to be successful or what?
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13 years ago
Jul 11, 2012, 9:52:58 PM
Fathitman wrote:
I have never really got the understanding of the invasions. I will do the invasion options but then my ship just sits there for awhile. Is it like a certain amount of turns you need to wait for it to be successful or what?

Yep, you can research invasion mods for your ships and then attach them to decrease the time it takes for the meter to drain, but defensive improvements to systems can mitigate also.
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13 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 2:42:13 PM
I would like to throw in my support for an option to just destroy a system and render it neutral instead of having to capture it.
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13 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 2:50:23 PM
zetal911 wrote:
Razing does not eliminate a colony.

What makes you say this? The description for the ability says you deny a system to an enemy, and it is perfect for scorched earth policies...In my opinion, that has to mean destroying everything in that system.
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13 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 3:51:18 PM
smiley: approval Razing Systems rather than being forced to occupy them. This is definitely an improvement the game needs.
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