Hi, I change my topic of place. It will be more appropriate here.

after almost 20H of game, I found the game very good on almost every aspect.

But I notice some aspects of the game which could be more developped.

The battle, but this aspect of the game has already been discussed.

And the diplomatic aspect (I didn't find a topic on it)

For the diplomatic aspect, It will be good to add a politic counsil to vote laws.

Every 30 turns (for example), the political assembly meets to pass a law.

Each law could apply to a single player (for example the one who has the highest number of planets) or all players.

These laws could have various effect on the economic / military / trade / industrial sectors.

To pass a law => 2 propositions to count the votes :

1) 1 population= 1 vote, so for 1 player we add all the population's planet to know his poltical power


2) We add a new type of ressource on each planet. Each planet could grant a certain amount of political power. So we add the political power of all the planets' player.

After each vote, the law is accepted or not.

If accepted it can last a certain amount of time or for all the game.

This could add more interactions between player.

I played some games where we could find this kind of diplomatic aspect and each time the polical phase add more fun during the game.

-PC game : Galactic civilization

- Board game : Twilight Imperium