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Multiplayer - Rejoin

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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 6:46:07 PM
I am pretty new here so i make this suggestions from my experience and i could not find a thread to it.

If u get disconnected in a multiplayer game i would like a few minutes timer to rejoin before the games i open to the public again.

If the host of a game disconnects/ends the game transfer the host to another player.
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13 years ago
Jul 14, 2012, 11:35:05 PM
DaWraith wrote:
I am pretty new here so i make this suggestions from my experience and i could not find a thread to it.

If u get disconnected in a multiplayer game i would like a few minutes timer to rejoin before the games i open to the public again.

If the host of a game disconnects/ends the game transfer the host to another player.

Since it's rather annoying for other players to wait, might want to set it as a toggled option in game setup, "Allow reserved rejoin [timer]" or something similiar, so you can enable or disable the feature as you see fit.
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