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[Empire screen UI] Use the free space to expand system list, until prod is selected

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13 years ago
Jul 6, 2012, 2:34:09 AM
(@ Moderators: If this has been suggested already... mb, I couldn't find the thread... Shuffle me off to the archives...)

On the Empire Screen... The Systems are listed in Alphabetical order, easy enough... But the list is only about 6 or 8 before needing to scroll down....

I have a huge amount of empty screen below the system list, where the list could be expanded into... Meaning less scrolling.

Judging by my ruler, the systems list could be expanded to double the length it is now, without running off screen.

This modification would, no doubt, make me and many others very happy. ---> Less Scrolling<---
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13 years ago
Jul 6, 2012, 5:38:41 AM
The space at the bottom is used for system and production queue. If you click on a population bar, you will see the population of each planet. If you click on a production item, you can manage the queue for the system. So I don't think the space is wasted.
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13 years ago
Jul 7, 2012, 2:19:46 PM
Sry... I wasn't very clear... I know the space is used for other items, but when you first open the Empire screen, that area is empty.

I think it would be nice to have the longer list, until you click on the prod or pop, at which point the list could be shortened to accommodate the pop-up... or the pop-up could be displayed on top of that portion of the screen while in use.
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13 years ago
Jul 15, 2012, 7:48:14 AM
The main reasoning behind this suggestion is; I tend to use the Empire Screen for a quick overview. For example, just before I end a turn, to make sure I am not missing out on production and/or a ship in a hanger. I do very little production queue-ing from that screen; and having the longer list would allow nearly twice the number of systems to be displayed at once. I think it would especially be a time-saver in the mid to late stages of the game.
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