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[suggestion] galactic united nation

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13 years ago
Jul 14, 2012, 9:48:44 AM
I propose to create a sorte of galactic united nation in this games , for all species (execpt -perhaps- cravers)

This council, for be unlocked, must be researched AND all species must know each other.

Each species has a vote in % of pop.

Some decrets can be approved or rejeted ( exemple = +1 trade route for terran planet, no massive destruction weapons, ....) Perhaps unlock factions traits for amoebea who give some bonus. this proposition will perfect mixed with the goverment proposition.
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13 years ago
Jul 16, 2012, 9:39:13 AM
That would be fun. I liked it in Alpha Centauri and Moo. It would be better if they add super weapons too (like nukes or planet killers)
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