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[Suggestion] CP Incentive For Mixed Fleets

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13 years ago
Jul 15, 2012, 10:03:18 AM
I think I figured out how make it so mixed Fleets become useful in ES.

Add a technology called "Fleet Tactics"

This would make it so for a faction the first of any ship type in their fleet would at max costs 1 CP.

Meaning if you normally had 12 CP you could have:

  • 12 Destoyers(12 CP)
  • 11 Destoyers(11 CP) + 1 Cruiser(1 CP)
  • 10 Destoyers(10 CP) + 1 Cruiser(1 CP) + 1 Battle Ship(1 CP)
  • 6 Destoyers(6 CP) + 2 Cruiser(3 CP) + 2 Battle Ship(3 CP)
  • 9 Destoyers(9 CP) + 1 Cruiser(1 CP) + 1 Battle Ship(1 CP) + 1 Dreadnought(1 CP)
  • 5 Destoyers(5 CP) + 1 Cruiser(1 CP) + 1 Battle Ship(1 CP) + 2 Dreadnought(5 CP)
  • Etc...

This means mixing and matching ship types would always be to your advantage.
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13 years ago
Jul 15, 2012, 11:47:29 AM
Would be interesting, best setup would be something like 1 deadnought + 1 battleship + 10 points of either cruisers or destroyers(or both). At least it would provide a good reason to create mixed fleets though. Perhaps 1CP would be too little though, first person to get that and the dreadnought tech would get a massive advantage. Although, sometimes it's nice to have techs in these games that you really want because it provides a massive advantage (Like railroads in CIV 1).

Anyway, with some balancing I think this could be really good smiley: biggrin

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13 years ago
Jul 16, 2012, 6:12:48 PM
so 21 destroyers and a dn... yawn

nothing in that idea encourages creating balanced fleets... what you instead encourage is

1 DN 1 BB 1 CR + the rest in destroyers.
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