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[suggestion] Influence regions should not block all movement

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13 years ago
Jul 16, 2012, 10:14:28 AM
I know, davea closed the other one, but it makes no sense that a race's influence circle can affect a system they cannot reach with their current technology. The reason I bring this up again is that in a spiral-8 galaxy I was locked out of not only a system but movement into the galaxy as a whole as another race's influence circle overlaid areas they could not reach by warp lane/worm hole but was in another arm. I do not believe the game should permit blocking of movement/colonization unless the race in can either move without warp lanes or has an uncontested path to the planet in question (unless of course it is under their control).

Its not exactly a good game if you have to restart in less than 30 turns because you have access to four systems and only one has a planet you can colonize (really, the other 2 not counting my home world were helium or asteroids. Sphere of influence must take into account the technology of the race exerting it.
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13 years ago
Jul 16, 2012, 10:30:16 AM
Shivetya wrote:
I know, davea closed the other one, but it makes no sense that a race's influence circle can affect a system they cannot reach with their current technology. The reason I bring this up again is that in a spiral-8 galaxy I was locked out of not only a system but movement into the galaxy as a whole as another race's influence circle overlaid areas they could not reach by warp lane/worm hole but was in another arm. I do not believe the game should permit blocking of movement/colonization unless the race in can either move without warp lanes or has an uncontested path to the planet in question (unless of course it is under their control).

Its not exactly a good game if you have to restart in less than 30 turns because you have access to four systems and only one has a planet you can colonize (really, the other 2 not counting my home world were helium or asteroids. Sphere of influence must take into account the technology of the race exerting it.

He closed it because it's not a bug. You can't settle inside someone else's territory whether they have off-road travel or not.

If you want to argue otherwise, then do so in the correct forum.
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13 years ago
Jul 16, 2012, 4:24:15 PM
Honestly, I don't see how this issue can be avoided...

Especially when using tight constellation settings. There will occasionally be times where the sphere of influence covers a neutral system that is inaccesible, given current technology. Even rarer would be your scenerio, where the sphere of influence would 'cut-off' access to travel lanes, leaving you essentially trapped in a small 'corner' of the map.

I understand your frustration with this influence anomaly, but with randomly generated galaxies, this is bound to happen at some point.

EDIT: Possibility: to Devs: If possible, during map generation, an 'invisible' influence barrier/border could be created. This could be done by 'sectioning' the galaxy into portions belonging to each race. ( In the same way that the wormholes section the galaxy at the beginning.) This portioning would block the sphere of influence, and contain it within a given race's section. Once the appropriate tech is researched by that race, those barriers would disappear, the sphere of influence would expand outward to it's normal range.
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13 years ago
Jul 16, 2012, 9:04:20 PM
This cannot be done using circles. However, it could easily be done by using a triangulation on the string lines. If a race has wormhole and/or free travel, add more nodes.
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13 years ago
Jul 17, 2012, 7:59:40 AM
Yeah, the 'circle' shape of influence would not work for this modification... Using the triangulation mentioned above; invisible influence barriers could be errected during map generation that would, in essence, hinder the growth of the sphere of influence into a rivals "home" territory.

It could be released with Kasimir Tech, or even later with Warp Tech. This would prevent the influence spheres from over-lapping warp lanes during the early game phase.

(Also just as a side note, the outcome after the restriction is released could be an awesome diplomatic mess, leading to some very unpredictable fun.)
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