I have some suggestions for the game, and I hope you like some of it. I know some have been taken up earlier.

Default battlecard orders

Lets the player preselect the order of battlecards in form as a default order. He may swap these in battle if he finds something better sutable. This will save time in manual battles.

Retreat button

Makes you able to retrete without going into manual battle as it will be a combat button along with manual and auto battle.

Arnament percentiles

Spilts the tonnage in upto four groups og arnament for the ships; attack, defefence, cevilian and free. Say a ship destroyer has a 70% attackarnament max stat, you can not use more then 70% of the ships total tonnage on attack arnaments. This can also give more possibilities for building ships with new builds. You can then also add skills, faction abilities, items and research that alters these %s.

Weapon size groups

Add weapon size groups to get more depth to the game and to favor bigger ships. Bigger ships may have bigger weponry then smaller ships. Bigger missiles will have higher cruise speeds, longer range, higher dammage, but fewer missiles shot per salvo. Bigger kinetic weponry will have longer range, higher dammage on hit, less firespeed. Big beam weapons have high damage output at the longest ranges compared to the little beam weapons. I recommend that only the biggest weapon classes can shoot in phase 1, medium wepon classes shoot in phase "1,5", and small in phase 2. This will prevent ppl for going all destroyers. There could be interesting in adding a range modifier along with the phases of the combat, making the bigger ships tring to orbit smaler ships at their optimal range for their arnament.


Battleshipclass Thor

40% - attack

upto 4 heavy arnament

upto 8 medium arnament

60% - defence

40% - civilian

30% free, but used tonnage costs +30%

Destroyerclass Frey

70% - attack

upto 4 heavy arnament

upto 8 medium arnament

40% - defence

20% - civilian

25% free, but takes up tonnage +30% and costs +15%

Sort battlecards

Sort the battlecards so that it is easy to find on the battlecard pages. Numbering them like an archivement page could be an idè. Group the battlecards so the cards is grouped by cathegory.