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Empire management screen - please remove black bar/box at bottom of screen

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13 years ago
Jul 15, 2012, 12:46:05 PM
Hi everyone,

I know this has been brought up before by someone else because I clearly remember reading about it, but I couldn't find the original post anywhere and also, since it clearly hasn't been addressed yet, I decided to bring the topic back to everyone's attention - I hope no one minds smiley: smile

The issue in question is that weird blocky black bar which appears in the empire management screen at the bottom and doesn't seem to belong there:

I would very much like to see this black bar/block be removed, so that one can see more systems at first glance which, I believe, the whole point of the empire management screen is: to see as much as possible at first glance.

Anyone back this idea? Please pitch in! smiley: smile
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13 years ago
Jul 15, 2012, 3:44:38 PM
Please click on one of the planet population bars or the production queue entry shown. The space at the bottom is used to display these details. The space could be used "better", but it is not "wasted".
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13 years ago
Jul 15, 2012, 3:53:16 PM
davea wrote:
Please click on one of the planet population bars or the production queue entry shown. The space at the bottom is used to display these details. The space could be used "better", but it is not "wasted".

granted, good point, but I'd still prefer it to be layered with the basic layer being a full and unblocked view.... don't you think?
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13 years ago
Jul 18, 2012, 1:24:52 AM
Moved to the right section, please post suggestions only in the proposals section.
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