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make the "auto" battle a little bit oriented

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13 years ago
Jul 18, 2012, 2:48:50 PM
Hi all

Don't get me wrong, I like the whole space battle with 3D ship firing at each other with slow missiles and the card system. Really I do ... but sometimes I just want to skip it.

When cards are choosen for the phase, why could'nt we just increase the speed of the phase ? I admit displaying the battle would be problematic in this case, maybe. So another cool feature would be to influence the auto mode.

The auto mode is clearly a good idea, but for instance when one of my scout ship is attacked by a very large fleet, all I want to do is escaping. I don't want to fight.

Auto mode ? I'll be destroy, for sure.

Manual mode ? Loading. Approach phase. (I ask for retreat). End of phase. Report. Loading.

I would love to add some parameters to the auto mode, like "Retreat", "Auto mode, defense style", "Auto mode, aggressive style", stuff like that.

Or maybe just choosing all the cards before the battle is played. Yes, you're choosing blind for second and third phase ... but that's the game.
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13 years ago
Jul 18, 2012, 3:50:55 PM
The fast forward option for battles has been suggested quite some times already.

Not sure if this thread is original or not, but there are alternatives to your idea that have been discussed in several threads: pausing the battle, the ability to pick your cards before choosing the auto-battle mode, and so on.
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13 years ago
Jul 18, 2012, 7:32:21 PM

I second this. We should be able to select a card for auto battle.

The drawback is that the same card will be used for all 3 phases, so you can't do fancy stuff like offense -> repair or defense -> repair. That would be a good tradeoff.

And NO, fast forward is the wrong solution to this problem. With FF you'd still have to load the battle (loading screen), speed up, then get back to galaxy map (another loading screen). The solution needs to be faster than this, and adding cards to auto is the best way.
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