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SUGGESTION : help to manage the tech tree

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13 years ago
Jul 18, 2012, 2:38:32 PM
Hi all

Just small suggestions (implying a lot of dev, I'm afraid)

Would it be possible to make the research into the tech tree more efficient ? I mean, I stayed a aweful long time looking for, let say, all the right techs that solve the expansion disapproval. But searching with keyword seems useless, you don't find anything if you don't have the right tech name ... so useless, as I said.

In the same idea to make tech tree little more clear, it would be great to have hint on which tech are needed in some game panel.

For instance : in the academy panel, somewhere, indicate the tech you need to increase the number of heroes

Other example : system panel, you can see modifiers for satisfaction (which is great, you know) Would it be possible to have info like "research to decrease disapproval".

Again : the max size of the fleet, indicate the tech you need to increase it.

Or, maybe easier, somewhere in the tech tree panel, some kind of reminder of tech pack : all the tech to improve this or that

For me, it would make the tree a lot more usable.
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13 years ago
Jul 18, 2012, 3:49:33 PM
You will get this though time playing. At first it might be hard not know what is what but take some time to just cursor over the different tech items you get with each researched tech and you will get to know where they are.
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13 years ago
Jul 18, 2012, 6:25:26 PM
SpankydaMonkey wrote:
You will get this though time playing. At first it might be hard not know what is what but take some time to just cursor over the different tech items you get with each researched tech and you will get to know where they are.

I do have some time ingame now, but still it takes me a lot of time to relocate the right tech I need. This would just make things easier, things that are complex for nothing imho
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13 years ago
Jul 18, 2012, 6:43:48 PM
Expansion Disapproval techs come with wormholes, battleships, warp drive and the non-baryonic shell (the +2/pop all FIDS improvement)
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13 years ago
Jul 19, 2012, 6:05:00 AM
Sarg wrote:
Expansion Disapproval techs come with wormholes, battleships, warp drive and the non-baryonic shell (the +2/pop all FIDS improvement)

Thanks, I know that now smiley: biggrin
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13 years ago
Jul 19, 2012, 12:08:58 PM
You learn what each of the icons (not the color coding system, but the small picture) mean after a while. Wings being command points for fleets, infrastructure and holiday related icons for approval, that weird arrow pic for expansion disapproval are the few key ones smiley: smile
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