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Ind to Food (Sower Affinity Tech)

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13 years ago
Jul 16, 2012, 7:38:56 PM
I have an idea for the sowers, it's about re-balancing the game. I'm suggesting this:

To convert maybe a further 40% of the ind to food.

Only for the sowers though, I'll explain why:

I recently played a game with a friend, and he was using a food focused strategy with the cravers. It was so overpowered in fact he easily grew 5 times as fast as the already really good players. Hence if faced with an enemy with that strategy you either take that strategy yourself or you WILL lose. Obviously that's a little unbalanced right there.

Side note here: That has to be nerfed (the cravers and the food overpowering), that is unbalancing the game in an absolutely insane scale when combined.

Now while that definitely has to be nerfed down it also made me realize that there is no way to properly increase food production with the sower affinity. As far as I saw in my tests, the food of the sowers is calculated as follows:

- First all normal values are added together

- Second Growth Plan/Black Thumbs is applied

- Third it subtracts 50% of that total value

- At last it adds 40% of the Industry value

That results in the trait only having half of its effect. That can be used for the black thumbs trait since like that it won't impale food production as much as it does for other factions. However food is an overpowered important resource as of now and there is no other way of increasing food production through traits for them, leaving them without a proper food strategy, which right now is definitely the strongest.

Either way some fixes are necessary here, my suggestion is only a possibility and if implemented only a part of the necessary rebalancing.
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13 years ago
Jul 16, 2012, 7:44:24 PM
I agree though I think it might be better just to change how things are calculated


- First all normal values are added together

- Second Growth Plan/Black Thumbs is applied

- Third it subtracts 50% of that total value

- At last it adds 40% of the Industry value


- First all + Food values are added together

- Second it subtracts 50% of that total value

- At third it adds 40% of the Industry value

- Last all multiplication food values as applied (Growth Plan/Black Thumbs, 30% food system improvement)

I believe that would solve the problem.
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13 years ago
Jul 24, 2012, 6:02:15 AM
Bump, food for sowers is an issue and this also explain why the ai does very poorly with them.
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13 years ago
Jul 24, 2012, 6:10:28 AM
I don't see why not. Higher growth rates to support my colonization penalty planets would be fun.
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13 years ago
Jul 24, 2012, 6:35:30 AM
Also, how does the affinity fare with the adaptive industrial system improvement?
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13 years ago
Jul 24, 2012, 8:54:27 AM
Sisma89 wrote:
Also, how does the affinity fare with the adaptive industrial system improvement?

I'd assume it would just boost the affinity directly, rather than have a cumulative effect.

i.e. Sowers Affinity = -50% food , but +80% industry value added to food? Or maybe less than 80% for balance wise?

Another option would be perhaps a later-tier unlockable tech that unlocks this option directly or in the form of an improvement?
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