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Fleet menu in system screen for the hangar

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13 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 4:02:25 PM
I love the game. I think the following UI additions would help it be easier to navigate you empire in mid to late game.

1) When you are on the colony screen showing your planets and your hangar. Add a full fleet menu when you press hangar so you could reorganize your fleets in one place.

2) Primary galaxy screen add a notification for when fleets arrive at a destination. You then could click on the fleet and have it center the map over the particular fleet and maybe make it flash. (So you can easily see it in a crowded galaxy)

3) On the fleets menu, you show that fleets are in transit. Could you add the following when you click on the in transit arrow. Go back to galaxy screen and center it over the fleet in transit and make it flash or highlight it in some way so that is it easy to see. This is for the same reason as 2, once you get to the middle game, there are a lot of fleets and the strategic situation may have changed. This would allow easy rerouting of fleets and colony ships as needed.
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13 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 10:38:43 PM
Please post only one suggestion per thread in the future. smiley: wink

To 2) Already proposed here: /#/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/12454-fleet-idle-research-idle-planet-idle-ui-elements-please When a fleet arrives, it is idle, and that thread proposes a notification on all idle fleets.

To 3) If you doubleclick on any fleet in the fleet menu, you're supposed to get to the galaxy map with the camera centered on that fleet, I believe.

1) is the only suggestion I haven't seen proposed, yet. It is basically to be able to organize fleets inside the hangar without exposing them in the orbit? Changed the title to that effect.
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13 years ago
Jul 24, 2012, 1:08:11 AM
Regarding a one-stop-shop for reorganizing fleets: note that in the Galaxy View (main map), when you select a fleet orbiting a system, there is a "Hangar" button in the very bottom of the list of fleets. Clicking it allows you to open the Hangar Pane you normally see in the System View, but you will still remain within the Galaxy View. Is this the functionality you desire?

Nosteratiel seems to have hit on something. It would be nice to edit a fleet before 'exposing' it to the enemy. I've more than once wished I could assign a hero to a new fleet launched from a blockaded world, but soon found out that the enemy fleets in orbit would automatically lock it in combat (and one can not modify a fleet that has combats queued). I'm not sure where this stands on the design feature/design oversight spectrum.
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13 years ago
Jul 24, 2012, 9:03:46 AM
Nosferatiel wrote:
...to be able to organize fleets inside the hangar without exposing them in the orbit? Changed the title to that effect.

I quite like the sound of this. This should assist in structuring defense fleets hidden in the system hangars , especially in coordinating surprise attack upon enemy invasion.

Even something as simple as the current fleet arrangement UI on either the system's UI or as a popup from the galaxy overview would prove interesting.
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13 years ago
Jul 24, 2012, 10:06:31 AM
flipstar wrote:
I quite like the sound of this. This should assist in structuring defense fleets hidden in the system hangars , especially in coordinating surprise attack upon enemy invasion.

Even something as simple as the current fleet arrangement UI on either the system's UI or as a popup from the galaxy overview would prove interesting.

I only like that in possible conjunction with espionage. I find it highly unlikely to be able to sabotage fleets in orbit, but in hangars? What better place to blow them up.

Provided your loyal spies tell you, that there's a full hangar of juicy ships. ^^
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13 years ago
Jul 25, 2012, 1:47:25 PM
Actually if you double on a fleet in the fleet menu, you go back to the galaxy map, but there is no indication as to where the fleet you are looking at is.

The fllet screen added to the system menu, would be a great addition.
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