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What is this resource good for?

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13 years ago
Jul 25, 2012, 3:23:07 PM
I'm finding that the game really needs some way for me to, at a click, find out what a given resources is useful for - what bonuses does it give, and what tech/build items require it? If I research flahflahium and it'll pop up on my bit of the map, am I celebrating or shrugging my shoulders and not caring? It could be in the tooltip in the tech tree where you'd research that, perhaps, or elsewhere. But I know as a new player that, "You'll work it out after a few dozen games" simply isn't cutting the mustard with me.
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13 years ago
Jul 25, 2012, 3:30:14 PM
I believe there are mouseover informations for these ressources. At least in the system screen.

It'd be interesting if there weren't in the tech or galaxy screen. I'm not sure right now and cannot test it, since I'm at work. smiley: wink
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13 years ago
Jul 25, 2012, 3:39:22 PM
Like Nos said, if you mouse over the resource in the system view, it will tell you what all it is good for. And depending on the resource, it might in the tech tree as well, but I'm not sure. Luxury resources, if I recall correctly, are lumped together. But strategic resources you research separately, so examining the research node more thoroughly might detail more information.

As for what techs require that resource...To my knowledge, all you can do is examine the tech as you research them. The tech will list if you require any specific resources. So an easier way to see this would be nice, as I tend to forget some things require special resources, and sit wondering for a moment why I can retrofit my ships to their newest design, before hunting for the offending tech to remove it.
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13 years ago
Jul 25, 2012, 4:09:12 PM
I'm with you on that one, Final. Given how important access to a Strategic Resource can be (if you don't have titanium-70 you don't get those early missiles, so look to research another type of weapon), it'd be really useful for all those players who've not played hundreds of hours to know what they're useful for, without having to mouseover every tech every time we want to consider our tech plans. Nothing worse than deciding to go for some kinetic weapons to replace the beams your opponents know you're using and have countered, and then finding that the best ones, the ones you were aiming for, use Orichalcix. Then you're scrambling to get the tech to reveal that resource, praying that you have some in your empire, and by then it's all too late.
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