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Suggestion: Endling (Animated Map)

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13 years ago
Jul 31, 2012, 9:56:26 AM
Hello everyone

, this is my first post so brought some virtual coffee and donuts, enjoy:

Okay i bought the game yesterday and it sucked me right in. Played for about 8 hours and finally won my first game (against 3 newbie computers that is). There were some major battles going on and i lost and recaptured some systems several times. I was a bit sad there were no statistics or whatsoever that kept record of that game. The cake diagramms were just not that satisfying.

SO I SUGGEST: Don't invent something new when a good thing already exists. I'm talking about Alpha Centauri. I would really love to see a animated map of my game progress like in this Video at 12:27 ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQ0-MrYtiwI&list=PLEC07CC48D72CFED1&index=73&feature=plpp_video )

IMO this is would be a nice way to make the ending A LOT more satisfying with decent amount of work. I loved to just rewatch the raise of my empire back in alpha centauri.

I want to thank the developers for that great game and I hope you know how to manage your ambiton and power! It would be just too sad to see the project abandoned by the developers because they lost their "drive" due to too high ambitions.

Have a nice day


Edit: I'm sorry I missed the right subforum. Would be be nice if a mod could move it there.
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13 years ago
Jul 31, 2012, 11:57:27 AM
JJklsa wrote:
I want to thank the developers for that great game and I hope you know how to manage your ambiton and power! It would be just too sad to see the project abandoned by the developers because they lost their "drive" due to too high ambitions.

Welcome to the forum JJklsa, and thanks for the coffee! smiley: smile

The developers have said many times that they intend to listen to the community and endlessly work on improving the game. Been there, done that, won't loose their drive! Great team.
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13 years ago
Jul 31, 2012, 12:06:57 PM
Thanks for the donuts buddy!
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