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System view: Hide irrevelant improvements

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13 years ago
Jul 31, 2012, 9:43:53 AM
I'm new to the game, so some of this may not be entirely thought through.

It may also have been suggested already, in that case I apologize, I checked 2 weeks back, but didn't see it mentioned.

It would be very nice if system improvements that makes no sense to build, are not shown in the possible improvements box, i'm thinking about:

-Food improvements for planet-types you don't currently control (or isn't even in the system), terraforming might change that, but initially it doesn't make much sense.

-Moon improvements for a system with no explored moons (or no moons at all)

-Population improvements for systems where they don't apply (like when you don't have any tiny/small planets or no gas giants)

This would go a long way in cleaning up the clutter for both new and old systems.

The biggest timesink and concentration dump for me right now is having to scan through a lot of stuff you don't ever want to build, just to see if there is anything else the present system needs.
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13 years ago
Jul 31, 2012, 10:04:01 AM
I've made a new thread with a poll to it. Only after adding that, did I find the button to add a poll to an existing thread. Now if I could just find the "delete this thread" button...
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